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Detachments, large enough to forbid an attack by the Indians are too large to overtake or surprise them, and, as in the former war; such parties would only occasionally tire out a party of Indians, and after great expenditures and sacrifices. Meantime the character of the country enables these Indians to destroy property, and life almost with impunity, eluding detection, and so prolonging the conflict for an indefinite period, unless other measures are devised.

The bulk of the Seminole Nation has long since gone to the West, and the remnant left in Florida, not exceeding one hundred warriors, is too small to merit the consideration due to a tribe of Aborigines defending their own homes.

The trouble and expense they have already caused would justify the harshest measures to expel them, and, while we can not withhold our admiration for their heroic resistance, we can only regard them as outlaws to their own race as well to ours.

The measure I would now propose will require great exertion and voluntary exertion of health and life without the excitement and glory of battle or ordinary warfare, and will be almost exclusively conducted by non commissioned officers and privates.  Hence the nesessity of a powerful stimulant.  Its success would save vast expense and much suffering-even to the Indians.

Many officers who have served in Florida, and distinguished citizens of this state, have expressed confidence in the scheme, and I have no hesitation in recommending it to the Department as offering a decided prospect of materially hastening the [[strikethrough]] capture or destruction [[/strikethrough]] [[insert]]removal [[/insery]] of these Indians.

I recommend that premiums be offered to induce individuals and small parties [regulars & volunteers] to go out and track up and way-lay the Indians the swamps & fortresses. Such work will never be done, and it never has been done, by white men, except under the strongest motives.  As revenge or the prospect of conquering a desirable country, neither of which causes are in force in the present case.

Numerous small depots should be established as near the scene of operations as possible which may I trust be kept within the present Indian boundary.  From these our men can frequently draw their supplies, and to them they can retreat on emergencies, while stronger detach-

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ments are continually engaged in opening roads and escorting supplies to the depots etc

If this plan should meet with any degree of success an expenditure for  premiums must be but a trifling fraction of the saving caused by shortening the duration of the struggle.

In fixing a rate of premium I have been influenced by the policy of limiting it to an amount that can be safely offered to all of our own people rather than by the value of success which would be immeasureably greater

 The following scale is submitted for consideration as a [[underline]] minimum [[/underline]]
For each living warrior | $250.00 | 500
""[[dittos for for each]] dead " [[ditto for warrior]] 150.00  |300
""[[dittos for for each]] living woman   150.00  | 300
"""[[dittos for for each living]] boy (10 to 15)  |100.00  | 200
and double these sums as a [[underline]] maximum [[/underline]] rate

If the plan should be approved I respectfully recommend a trial on the [[underline]] maximum [[/underline]] scale.

with great respect
Your obedt servt
[[signed]] John C Casey[[signed]]
Capt. on Spe Duty etc
Tampa Bay Fa  March 10. 1856

Lt. Walbridge on Spe Duty-

Ft. Myer Fa  Sir. As additional officers are much needed with the troops during active operations.  I have reported you to Col Munroe as ready for any duty he may please to assign you to, until I may require yr. aid in emigrating Indians.  I wish you to haper the funds and pub. prop. in yr. charge to the Q M Dept for safe keeping during your absence. You will at all times be ready to aid the Comdg. off & advise him in relation to indian matters which yr knowledge will enable you to do - as in examining prisoners - forcing or bribing them to guide - taking charge of parties of Indians ready for emigration etc etc etc

Should you join Capt Pratt's comd, take Sampson with you if he will go willingly & let him know that he is not to go as a guide, but only to aid in questioning prisoners and that he will be kept in a safe place. Report yrself to the Comdg off at Hd Qr Ft M (Col Munroe) & show him these [[?]]. He will be advised by Col. Munroe that you are ready for duty with the troops.
Resly  [[signature]] JC Casey [/signature]] Capt.