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Ft Brooke Fla
March 28/56

Col J. Munroe Comdg

I have the honor to inform you that I am authorized by the War Dept to offer a [[underlined]]per capita [[/underlined]] reward or premium for every living Indian warrior, woman or boy over ten yrs. of age may be captured or induced to come in for emigration to the west, at the following rates

For each warrior  $250 ... to $500       
-[[ditto for for each]] woman  $150 "[[ditto for to]] $300
-[[ditto for for each]] boy over 10 yrs $100 " [[ditto for to]] $200

The [[underlined]]maximum [[/underlined]] or highest rates will be paid for all except the infirm bedridden and helpless, in which cases the rate will be deemed by a Board. 

This communication is respectfully submitted in order that you may give each order & instructions in the case to the troops under yr. command as you may think proper.

Yrs respectfully
John C Casey Capt USA


Ft Brooke Fla  Mar 28 1856

Sir, I have the honor to inform you that the War Dept. has authorized a [[underlined]]per capita [[/underlined]] reward or premium for [[underlined]] living [[/underlined]]Indians who may be captured, or induced to come in, for emigration.

In obedience to their authority the following rates will be paid for hostile (living) Indians delivered at Ft. Brooke or Myers viz:

For each Warrior $250 to $500
"[[ditto for for each]] Woman |$150 "[[ditto for to]] $300
"[[ditto for for each]] Boy over 10 yrs |$100 "[[ditto for to]] $200

The highest rates (5, 3, and 2 hund) will be paid for all except the infirm, bedridden & helpless, in which cases the rate will be decided by the Asset or a Board

This communication is respectfully submitted in order that you may give the necessary information and instruction, in the case, to the troops in the service of the State.

Very Respectfully
Your obedt serv
John C Casey 
Capt USA
on Specl Duty

General Jesse Carter
Agt St. Fla & Tampa etc

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Tampa Bay March 29 1856

His Ex Gov. E. Broome
Govr of Fla    Sir, I have the honor to inform yr Excelly that by Instructions dated War Dept Wash Mar 18. 1856 I am authorized to offer a [[underlined]] per capita [[/underlined]] reward for [[underlined]] living [[/underlined]] Indians who may be captured, or induced to come in, for emigration at the following rate viz:

For Each warrior $250 to 500  Woman $150 to 300 Boys over 10 $100 to 200 The highest rates will be paid for all except the infirm, bedridden & helpless, in which case the late will be fixed by the Agt or Board

I have communicated this information to Col Munroe Cmdg the W forces in Fla. & to Gen Jesse Carter State Agnt in order that all the troops in the field may receive proper instructions on the subject and public notice will be given thru the press.

I am pleased to add that this frontier has not yet been disturbed by hostile Indians, with the single exception of the attack on Mr. Snell's house at Sarasota on Mar 2d. That place was probably visited the Indians to secure ammunition and supplies, as Mr. Snell kept a small store, before the outbreak in 1849, at which the Indians traded. They mourned a quantity of dead, etc, and immediately retired without troubling the neighboring settlers or houses.

All the regular troops believe are actively employed in the field.

Y  J C Casey  Capt

Tampa Bay March 20 1856
Hon J Davis Sec War
Sir, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 18th March, authorizing a [[underlined]] per capita [/underlined]] reward for [[underlined]] living [/underlined]] Indians. I at once informed the Governor of Florida, Col. Munroe Comdg U.S. force, and Gen Jesse Carter State Ast Comdg of the State Troops in state service [ 4 Mtd. corps], and have taken steps to make known to the public the terms-in detail.

This frontier remains undisturbed by a hostile Indian since the attack on Snell's place [late a store] at Sarasota on March 2d 
The newspaper rumors of murder near here (at Alafia) and of Indian signs every where, are I believe, without any foundation.

yrs resplly
Yr obednt
JC Casey Capt on spec duty.

Transcription Notes:
Broome -- Gov of Fla elected 1853 viz is for "that is to say" or "to see"