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Tampa Bay Fla
April 27 1856

Hon J Davis
Sec War,

In explanation of the new receipt of Lieut Walbridge's accounts I have to report that on March 10th. he was ord'd to report for duty with troops in the field

His was in consequence of the scarcity of officers at the time, and in hope that the success of the troops might render his services of special value to the comdg. offr in the field. 

He can not render any [[?]] until his return to Ft Myers. The fund property are in the hands of the agn at that port.
Mo respectfully
[[signature]] J.C.Casey [/signature]] Capt [[?]]

Tampa April 29 1856

Col. J. Munroe

Comdg HQ Dept Fla, To enable lieut Walbridge to render his accounts for the 1st Qtr. of this yr. I have to request that you will order him to repair to Ft. Myers whenever he can be spared from Capt Pratt's command & to report to me [until he shall have performed that duty.

Your Mo obe set
[[signature]] J.C. Casey [/signature]] Capt

Ft Meade Fla April 29 1856


I have this day requested Col. Munroe to order you to repair to Ft Myers that you may make up Acs for 1st Qr of this yr. -  [[underlined]] as soon as you can be spared from Capt Pratt's command [[/underlined]], and that you may report to me from Fort Myers.

Replly Yours
[[underlined signature]] JC Casey [/underlined signature]] Capt.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] unofficial [[/underlined]]
Tampa May 19. 1856
Hon J. Davis

DrSir, The season for active operations on land S. of Calusa H. will soon be over & I am desired by Col M. to say to you that he is anxious to be relieved from the conduct of this war. He feels that he has not the youth and activity which his duties require. It is not possible for him to perform the physical duties which can not be delegated.

The personal presence & environment of the Chief, at all points, are needed to stimulate officers & men to the great exertions and sacrifices called for, and to accomplish this he should be in the prime of life and in vigorous health.

He made this application thus early in order that his successor may have ample time to prepare for the next campaign.

The Col. has no desire to leave here, & will cheerfully remain, if relieved, to give his successor all information in his power, but he regard it a due to himself as well to the fort to say to you what I have written. 
I will add that Col M is nearly 60 & from [[underlined]] sciatica [/underlined]] is almost incapacitated from walking any distance or from a secure seat on horseback.

[[line of x's across page]]

And now before closing this letter I shall venture to name to you two officers who are eminently qualified for swift command in this war. My personnel acquaintance with the army (except the junior new offr) is very extensive, and I am aware that yr numerous duties allow you little time for misgiving.

Lt. Col. [[short line]] and Maj. [[short line]]

These suggestions are made without the knowledge of the parties named and I venture to make them as you invited me to with to yu freely on Fla. affairs

I think this war may be ended before next March & I [[?]] it may last for years.

Yr obd srvt
[[signature]] JC Casey [/signature]]