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Tampa Bay Fla May 25/56
Sir, I have the honor to forward herewith the accounts of Lieut. T.K. Walbridge U.S.A. on account of "Removal of Florida Indians" for 1st Quarter 1856

They are necessarily delayed to this date in consequence of Lieut. Walbridge having been in the field with the troops on the S. side Big Cypress, and seperated from his friends property and papers.

Very respectfully and 
[[signature]] JC Casey [[/signature]] Capt on spec Duty etc.

Jeffn Davis
Sec War


Funds on hand $20.295 51/100 -
Property 843 Blankets. |2083½ yds calico
  |625¾ -[[ditto for yds]] blue drilling
  |  17 -[[ditto for yds]] bed ticking
  |  888 spools thread
  | 1348 pieces Binding
  |  396 paper needles
  |    1 bunch Beads
  |    1 bridle and saddle


Tampa Bay May 25/56

Col Geo Monroe   }
Comdg Dept Florda}   Sir, I have to request that Lt. W.W. Walbridge may be again placed under my special [[strikethrough]]orders [[/strikethrough]] charge, as soon as the troops are withdrawn from the field.
Very reslly
[[underlined signature]] Jc Casey Capt on I.D. [/underlined signature]]

Tampa Bay Fa June 18. 1856

Hon. J. Davis Sec. War

Sir, As there is no immediate prospect of any duty for Lt. Walbridge my assisstant, and as he has been long detached from his regt:, I now recommend that he be ordered to join his company. He desires it, and it is due to him, as well as to the service.

Should I be on this duty when these Indians do come in for emigration I should like again to avail myself of his services.

Meantime, I shall take charge of the fund & property
Vry resplly
[[signature]] JC Casey[/signature]] Capt.

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Fort Brooke florida
July 1. 1856


As there is no prospect of my needing any longer the use of the "Agency House" erected at Fort Myers by order of the War Department I deem it my duty to relinquish i

It is soon vacant and ready for the proper Dept: under your orders -

Most respectfully
Your Obedt Servt.
(signed)[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt: on Spec Duty

Col. John Munroe   }
Commanding         }
Hd Qrs Dept Florida}

Tampa Bay Florida
July 6. 1856

Hon Jeffn Davis
Sec War  Sir,

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yr. letter of June 21. notifying me that the accounts of Lt. Walbridge for the 4th Qr 1855 had not been recd.

The duplicates will be forwarded, as soon copies can be made, to replace the original sett which were duly mailed in January last.

Resply [[signature]] JC Casey [/signature]]

Tampa Bay Fla July 15. 1856

Hon. Jeff. Davis
Secty War

I have the honor to transmit herewith a dup copy of Lieut. Walbridge's accounts for the 4th Qr. 1855 - the former copy having failed to reach the Dept.

I have to request your approval of Wn No 1 Ab. Cmt being for my extra expenses (during 6 months)

Very respectfully
[[signature]] JC Casey [/signature]]

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