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Tampa Sept. 10. 1856


I transmit herewith a statement of Lieut H Benson 2nd Arty, (AA9th with a Detch. of troops on the Gulf  Coast) sheuing the amount of pay due to the guide [[underlined]] Chai" [[/underlined]] on the day of his death.

The guide [[underline]] Chai [[/underlined] was an Indian, and left a widow [ner here] and no children.

Her Indian name is [[underlined]] Sah-ke-nah'-kee [[/underlined]] , but she is usually Known as [[underlined]] Polly [[/underlined].  It is in her behalf that I now write, and I hope it Treasy Certif authorising any officer of the Q.M. Dept. to pay to her the amount ($152) due her late husband.

I may add that to my Knowledge she was his wife - that she was with him when he died (shot), and that he has no other Known heirs among the reminde Indians

As he was a faithful guide, I hope there will be no difficulty in securing this small sum for his widow

Very resplly Yr obet
[[signed]] JC Casey [[signed]] Capt & agent Fla Ind

[[3d and heas
skatburn Ar ?]]

Tampa Fla Oct l 1856

Hon J Davis,

I transmit herewith the a/c of Capt C L Kilburn of funds property for 3d Qr. 1856 on a/c of approp. for removal of Fla. Indians

[[signature]] JC Casey [[/signature]]

Tampa Bay Fa Oct 2. 1856

His Ex: Gov Jas E Broome
Tallahassee   Sir, I have the honor to inform you that your suggestion to extend the premiums for living Indians to all age has been sanctioned by the War Dept

A recent scouting party reports that a numerous party of Indians appear to have been living on the water of Istokpoga during the past (net) season, and have only been gone 3 or 4 weeks.

We have just recd. the order directing Gen. Harney & 26 corp (regular) to operate here this winter - beside the volunteer forces

Very resplly
[[signature]] J.C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt etc

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Oct 3 - 10 - Notify Gen Carter & Col Munroe & [[?]] in H & I
Tampa Fla Oct 11/1856 

J.M. Baldwin Esq
Cell. Key West.  Sir. x x x x x  x x x
x x x x x x x x On Aug 12 an Indian trail was 2 miles from Ft. Dallas & promptly pursued but in rain. At that time a portuguese named [[underlined]] Antonio Enuz [[/underlined]] was near Ft Dallas in a [[underlined]] sloop boat [[/underlined]] from Key West, and is suspected of having communicated with the Indians at a bluff 2 m from Ft Dallas.  He left for Key West on his return on Aug 13.

While on his way to Ft Dallas he [[lunched ?]] at Indian Key & had whiskey & other things on board, there he made inquiry as to the fort - whether there was an officer whether the guard kept their arms loaded etc which excited suspicions in the [[?]] & the men.

But a stronger point is that [[?]] OBrien, who was off that coast at the same time reported that he saw a small boat - said to belong to [[underlined]] Antonio [[/underlined]] - crusing along the coast, near where some Indians were seen a short time age, that at intervals of about a mile the boat would stop and a man go ashore & remain for a short time, and about dark the boat anchored 7 or 9 miles from Ft Dallas

All these evidences, reported without [[?]], warrant suspecious & by that you will turn yr. attention & that of Lt Randolph as this concern etc x x x The Indians may have 2 or 300 doll & some gold & silver watchs.