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War Dept. A. G. Off. Wash. Oct. 18. 1848.  A  Board detailed to select site for Depot & post in lieu of Tampa & Ft Brooke Bv Maj. W. W. Morris 4th Arty. Bt Maj. R. D. A Wade 3d Arty & Capt. J. C. Casey C.S. -

Charlottes Harbor Ja. Novr 13. 1848. John Darling writes by request of [[underline]] Bowlegs [[/underline]], who was there from 4th. to 9th, to ask me to meet B. B. on †mas Day - Also Mr Kennedy is  requested to attend.

I assented and sent notice for "broken days" to go out & tell when the time came

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[[underline]] 1848 Oct. 26. [[/underline]] At trading house Ch. Harbor - Some drunken Indians only in - & a man & woman who were flogged last night for adultery.  The man lying in sun - face all bruised & shapeless  & dead drunk!!  Would kill any white man but these people recover rapidly and entirely from frightful injuries - bearing no trace or scars!  We leave at once on our return 

[[underline]] November 3d [[/underline]].  Get back to Ft Brooke and find W. 
W Morris & family, Maj. Harkins  AQM and Lt. Garland 4th Arty. all here - Lt. Walbridge - Dr Lamb & family - also an order for a Board to Select a site for depot at Charlotte's Harbor or elsewhere.
[[underline]] Novr 9th [[/underline]] A talk with the trader (T. P. Kennedy) about a trading house.  He says if at Ch. Harbor it must be on main land. The Indians will not trust themselves to visit an Island (as Tioseppe) especially if troops are there & he (T.) obviously does not desire any one near his trading house.  He speaks of "Old field" 10 mile below Fort Mason on Pea River.

[[underline]] Novr 11th [[/underline]] The Board (Wade, Morris & Casey) off for Ch. Harbor on Schr Sprague

[[underline Nov 16th [[/underline]] Land at store Ch. Hrbr. Nokosee Emathla & father these - Old man runs off!!!

[[underline Nov. 17th [[/underline]] Nokosee Emathla & wife aboard. Morris has a long [[underline]] private [[/underline]] interview in cabin with N. E.!! Off for Tampa 9 A.M.

[[underline]] Nov. 23 [[/underline]] I have a slight hemmorrhage today 

[[underline]] Nov. 26th Reach Ft Brooke 3 1/2 P.M.

[[underline]] Nov. 30th Lt. Turnbull [[/underline]] off today for Ind. river [[underlied]]via [[underlined]] St. Augustine to investigate certain reports of Indian trouble etc by order Maj W. W. Morris 

[[underline]] Decr 9 [[/underline]] When talking today to Kennedy about a trip to Pea river & he advises [[underline]] great caution [[/underline]] in meeting Bowlegs - No soldiers etc Also to invite Sam Jones at †mas.  He will then go with me 

[[underline]] Dec 16th [[/underline]] Kennedy is prevented from accompanying me to Ch Hrbr. by his sore leg. whereupon J. M. [[De Oca?]] says to me "Capn. You needn't go no use - if Kennedy does not go the chief will not come in.  I know it - You are sick & will travel & expose yourself for nothing."  He then 
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