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Nelkeife Hajo [underline] achulee [/underline] left for Whausa with Kafiktsootsee party in 1850
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[underline] 1848 Dec. 31. [/underline] (At the stoneleh: Harbor.) Soon after [underline] assunwah [/underline]
arrived he informed me rather formally that he should
remain with his men until I left !! I asked him if he
came as a guard or spy, if he or his people had any
objections to my visit - that I may here by request if
Bowley Jones and did not expect to have had a
guard to match me te te. He disclaimed all wish
to appear rude or inhospitable- said I was welcome
and he was at a lop to explain the failure of Jones
Bowley to meet me tc.c. Some feeling was shown
on both sides, an I was greatly indignant.
While I was lying down up stair one of the Mikkassoke
Indians [underline] osanna mather [/underline] sat near my hed and asked me
many questions about Arkansas and while he was
speaking an assunwah son was coming up stair
he abruptly changed the subject & gave me a look
which I understood as a desire not to have our
topic known to another. Subsequently an old
dark colored fellow ([underline] Nelkup Achuler [/underline]) came & in
line mawna spoke of Arkansas- saying he had
some children killed in the war- one son was
killed with [underline] Ahallok Hajo [/underline] when that chief
was sent out by Gen. Jens to Sam Jones from
Ft Infiter, and that his last son accompanied
[underline] Tuskeegee [/underline] party to the West. He wanted to hear from
him- if he was alive he would join him- he had
no relations here & felt alone in his age. As he
spoke of his son he wept. I took note of it &
wrote to M. Durat for information, but that
gentleman never replied to my inquiries.
There was no money to be made by the operation,
so that the request was not appreciated. I hoped,
by exchanging such information, to prepare a
party here for emigration, but am not seconded
by the Afent west.
[underline] Assumvah [/underline] is growing restless- wants to know
what "talk" I bring tc. His men have but little
food & there is no game near here. I tell him that he
need not wait, that I did [underline] not [/underline] come to see [underline] him [/underline], that
I am here by invitation of his AsChief who have footed
me the haved unworthily meanly.
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