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Ind: store Ch. Harbor Jany 29. 1849- Wm Bowlegs letters to Capt Casey -see letters from Indians

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[[underline]] Ft Gibson Ark. Jany 17. 1849. Wild Cat to Capt Casey [[/underline]] and for Wm Bowlegs, Sam Jones, Kor Emathla, Kotsa Yahola Kotsafrinio Aropka, Fuss Hajo, Assunwah, & kokossmathla see "letters from Indians".

ᵡᵡᵡI advised the course suggested by Wild Cat & objected to bringing a western delegation on here, but the govt has decided on the latter course & had sent instruction to the agents West. Now (1853) it is too obvious that Wild Cat's plan was the true one and in all probability would have moved these Indians long ago.

Again, I advise [[underline]] Wild Cat [[/underline]] for head delegate, [[underline]] if a delegation must come [[/underline]] , but the subjegant [[?]] [[underline]] Ahalloktustamukkee [[/underline]] and [[underline]] objects [[/underline]] to [[underline]] Wild Cat [[/underline]]. It now (1853) is Huron [[underline]] Why [[/underline]] - [[underline][ Wild Cat [[/underline]] resisted the abduction of Bowleg's negros in Arkansas, and " [[underline]] ahallokkee [[/underined]] "
voted for it, as he had no negros, did not care for Bowlegs
& desired to please the agent & keep a/c his own influence
Hence the fear of [[?]] Wild Cat here

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[[underline]] 1849 Jany 22d. [[/underline]] A party of Indians 11 men & 6 women & children
go at & carry 2 kegs of powder with them

Passuk'Tustamukkee, Tallampoosa, [[insert]] brother [[/insert] Sapaich'koochee or Watolah Letrokotee Emathla (m), osawna Fixico, Osawn Hajo, Isteelanoochee Tussakea, Holaibta Emathloochee 

Jany 26th The following Indians in Pahosee, Yahalee, Cotsa Hajochee & Yaholoochee - to trade at Ferris. - The regular trader (Kennedy & Brown) do not like this trade as other shopkeepers undersell them

[[underline]] Febny 2d. [[/underline]] Indge Gates from Manatee here - He says one
[[underline]] Uhitto Hajo [[/underline]] has been about there & he fears some of his party burned his store etc.
Febry 3d. To day I receive a letter from Bowlegs signed by him (written by Payne) dated Ind. store Jany 29. in which he lamely explains his †mas failure & he sends me 4 ball sticks & a ball

Febry 15th C.F. Chopko comes in to trade 
[[underline]]Febry 16th [[/underline]] To day I receive a letter from the Seminole chief Wild Cat (Ko-ak-oo-chee) dated Ft Gibson Ark.

Jany 17. 1849 (written for him by Clara Belknap a daughter of Col. Belknap Afa.) He proposes that a delegation from the Fla. should visit Arkansas, as one from thence to this place would not be believed. I agree with him & shall write such a course to the proper authorities at Wash. & to the Indians here

[underline] Feb 22d [/underline] Ino Darling returns from his expedition to the Pea river in search of site for a trading house. He recommends a spot in fork of HatcheeLotka (Fall Creek) & Pea river E.S.E. from Tampa say 48 miles & by trail say 57 m.

[[underline]] March 9. 1849 [[/underline]] Receive letter from M Duval Sub Agt. Ark. [[?]] Feb 4th Ft Smith- Indian news - He seems friendly -

[[underline]] March 10. 1849 [[/underline]] Lehitto Hajo & 4 others in to day - [[?]] hard
for permit to buy Whiskey which I refuse- I shall refuse
here as it may lead to bloodshed. Some bad white men
are urged by [[underline]] some one [[/underline]] to trouble the Indians during their visits here

[[underline]] March 11 [[/underline]] 2 Ind women & little girl in - sister & neice of Ualpatah I apply thro Maj. Morris for a house at Pea river. & a exchange
Major & 2 horse to travel with on indian duty.

[underline] March 14th [/underline] off for new store on Pea river (by land) with  Lt
Garland, Sampson, Springer & William

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