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Aug 2d. 1849. Mr Oats (seeing some white waves on the flats below) reports a fleet of Indian canoes coming !!!

[[underlined]] August 7th. 1849 [[/underlined]]. Col. Spencer is here. Maj. Morris' plan is to pay the Indian [[underlined]] $100.000 or [[/underlined]] war of extermination!!! & take no notice of late murders. During the talk Mr. Spencer says M. Duval had recommended me to take the charge of a Delegation of western indians to come here & he & M. agreed in the selection -(Ye Gad! Little Finke!!!) Thus this little attorney & our bobtailed Major propose to use me to conduct a delegation here for them, as tho I had never read the fable of the monkey & the cat when roasting chestnuts!!

[[underlined]] Aug.8. [[/underlined]] Hear that [[underlined]] Chai [[/underlined]] was at [[underlined]] Lacosta [[/underlined]] on 28th ult and left for here on 30th. & had been absent from the store since July 14th when he left for Ch.Hbr. with a note from Payne & some powder for George Hayes. This is accounted for his whereabouts satisfactorily during the initual period.

[[underlined]] Aug 10th [[/underlined]] a Capt Dell, Lt Sanchez & 50 mtd vol. arrive on opp. side river this evg. at 4

[[underlined]] Aug 11th [[/underlined]] Capt. Fisher's company. near

[[underlined]] Aug 12 [[/underlined]] John. Rome below with vol. Infty. from Ft. Marks!!! These troops have moved very promptly & tis a pity that such energy should be for nothing.

[[underlined]] Aug 16. [[/underlined]] U.S. [[strikethrough]] SV [[/strikethrough]] Water Witch Llornd Totten [[best guess]] which touched in to offer services off to day for Pensacola 

[[underlined]] Aug 17 [[/underlined]] Ft. Alabama off Gadden Pt. with 5 Comp 4th Arty under Maj. W.P. Bainbridge - 7th Infty coming!! All this great movement & expense on a/c of a [[underlined]] murder [[/underlined]] supposed to be [[underlined]] war [[/underlined]] in consequence of the non intercourse between the Spl Agents & the chiefs, which the traders (Kennedy, Brown & Darling) have always discountenanced in order to keep up their own influence over the indians & prevent their emigration. 

[[underlined]] Aug 19.[[/underlined]] While proposing to visit Caloosa Hatchee again as soon as I am able to travel, Maj. Morris proposes to accompany me - which means that he will stay on the boat, let me incur danger & he is to return with Glory. I am not quite green & I go alone or not at all.

[[underlined]] Aug 20 [[/underlined]] at 9 a.m. {[underlined]] Felipe [[/underlined]] brings me from Sarasota a white flag of feathers with tobacco & white beads attached - Dissatisfaction of Comdg. Off. that it was not taken to [[underlined]] him [[/underlined]]  Curious interview between him & Felipe & Louis - overanxious to please them which they see & at once fear & suspect & dislike him!