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[[underlined]] Sept. 18. 1849 [[/underlined]]  They exhibited so much agitation that the interpreter did not wish to repeat my word, in indian. He feared a row. I then addressed them with all the feeling I could & appealed to them strongly & offered to stay as a hostage myself or leave Gibbon as one, if they had any doubts of my good faith, and cautioned them not to forget that my interpreter had to say what I told him & I was alone responsible for all the talk. Sampson interpreted with fear & trembling, but when, after a praise, they said "We want no hostages, we believe you, our chief may go on board or any where with you" then Sampson opened his mouth & eyes & exclaimed - "Well Captain, I was raised 'mong these indians, but I now giveup - I don't know them & you do." After this business the Sarasota answer in relation to [[underlined]] Char', [[/underlined]] poor Sampson has had unbounded confidence in my diplomatic power!!!

[[?]] Bowlegs [[strikeout]] Kapiklsed [[/strikeout]] Tukosa Tustanukkee etc then go on board & Twiggs repeats his promise  (alas [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] as pernicious as unnecessary) the Indians terms

Sept. 19th. I land & argue date for delivery of the murderers with Bowlegs & Kapihtsortsee (for Sam Jones) in the store  They want 45 days (till Der 4), but thinking this too much, I induce them to go aboard with me & arrch. Harbor at Sange with my Chief (Twiggs).   Finally 30 days in  adopted (Nov. 19) They object to Manatee & Sarasota as remote & beyond their limits & fin on this place (C.H.) (Ch. Harbor at store), All land & we start for home!

[[underlined]] Sept 20th [[/underlined]] At Tampa where great disappointment is expressed at non-appearance of prisoners (Maj. M as well as the city govt surprised at [[underlined]] failure [[/underlined]] (?))

[[underlined]] Sept 22d [[/underlined]] Extraordinary  Dispatchs! What next? Sub agent Spencer (who returned yesterday from North) M. Duval & Capt Casey app to CM to negotiate with the Seminole here [[?]] wife Gen Twiggs to employ Spencer & suggests him going to Ch Harbor!!!

[[underlined]] Sept 24th Col [[/underlined]] L. Spencer Sub Agt dines with me amusing [[?]]. He finally [[underlines]] offers to appoint me his assisstant [[/underlined]]!!! Oh! Lord! Oh! Lord! He seems more anxious about the Indian [[underlined]] trade [[/underlined]] than any thing else & has a man named [[underlined]] Col [[/underlined]] . Maddox already for the post. I tell him that [[underlined]] an Agent [[/underlined]] can not be [[underlined]] a trader [[/underlined]] now have an interest in trading house. "Oh! of course not!"

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