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[[underlined]] Sept. 26 1849 [[/underlined]] "The Colonel" makes an occasion to tell me that [[underlined]] he [[/underlined]] is in perfect health - can ride hard all day - camp out & carry his provisions for days - is a woodsman - & is not [[shortunided ?]] or faulty in any respect & all of which is very consoling to one who earns his [[underlined]] breath [[/underlined]] by the sweat of his now & only lives from mouth to mouth by great care & prudence! He intimates too that [[underlined]] fear [[/underlined]] is a thing unknown to him, and seems to regard his journey hither from Palatka as ample proof thereof.  He is in short known as "Colonel Wisegrass." "I do not know whether I can spare time to go with you Captain, to Ch Harbor or not.  I want much to see the chiefs as I am their agent.  I am in doubts whether to wait & go down with you or not" - to which I replied "to remove your doubts I may tell you that you will [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] go down with me."  Whereupon he desclaimed all idea of forcing himself on my company & I told him that I should have business enough on hand for myself with Indians without adding the complication of introducing a new agent to enpound all his plans etc etc

He then proposed to give me a letter to Bowlegs as he learned that B. was well educated etc.  I told him that Bowlegs could sign his name, but could not read.

He then proposed a belligerent message - to this purport "You must all quit this country.  It is not yours - I am your Agent I tell you my orders etc etc"

I declined learning any such "talk" and advised him to go & transact his own business with the chiefs.

"Why" replied he "how & where & when can I see them? No one will pilot for any money - I can't hire any one white or black to carry a message - what can I do!"

I answered "Just as I have done - go into their country" "Ah! but I don't know the way - I have no guide etc" "Well, you need no guide I can give you plain directions that will not fail when you are ready" "How can I find them?" I then told him -----"Col. Spencer! you can travel many days on horseback [[underlined]] without fatigue [[/underlined]] carrying yr. own food - Now if you will travel 1 1/2 or 2 days due East & then say 1/2 a day S.E. my word for it if you don't find Indians they will find you."  You say can't speak that language no matter, they can understand a little, & will carry you to their Head Qr. where Sam Jones & Bowlegs both have interpreters"

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