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[[underlined]] Oct. 17. 1869 [[/underlined]] I had seen from deck of H.Br. thro spyglass, several men on shore near the old store setting or standing about, and as Bowlegs had promised to have 2 or 3 old friends to meet me, I inferred that they were these. As my sheriff approched the beach & just as I was getting on William's back to be carried ashore, we noticed that these were 3 strange indians -  all [[underlined]] with rifles [[/underlined]] & their  [[underlined]] rifles drawn out. [[/underlined]] [[?]] Sampson was nearly overcome - No escape was possible - The skiff has been hauled one shoal flatts 1/4 a mile - We were unarmed and on shore there was no shelter - no chance.  As the case was hopeless I felt quite calm- spoke sharply to Sampson- bade him come with me & not seem to be surprised at any thing. I then neat up to the 3 indians - one standing & 2 sitting - & saluted them. They replied coldly & shook hand indifferently.  I then sat down between the one standing (Ho-ith-lee-wahl-oo-chee) and two sitting (Echo Hajo & another). Sampson stood opposite to me with his R. hand in his coat-bosom & his L. hand in outside pocket-as I afterward learned, grasping two small brass pistols !!! Capt.C "Is there any news?" H. "Gen there is news." a pause Capt C "When did you get here"? H."Eight days ago."C. "Any news of Bowlegs"? H "Gen" Here I remained silent awaiting his report or message, if any.  All of them looked fiercely at [[underlined]] Sampson [[/underlined]] who manifested much uneasiness.  After a long pause Hoithlywahlee. "When did you come?" C. "Just now" H. "Ho!" as if surprised. This looked much like cat & mouse & I did not doubt their object - to shoot me & end negotiations.

As our case was desperate I was perfectly calm & even comfortable except a growing [[indipreation ?]] which would soon have made a tragedy had I had a good revolver with me. Luckily I had but my case-knife, which I loosened a little & determined to use the instant they reared their rifles.  After another silence I spoke abruptly to them

C. "Where is Bowlegs" H. "At his camp." C. Where is his camp"? H. "In the woods?" C. "How far?" H "not far"  C. "Will you take or send a package for me? at once!" They regarded each other a moment when H said "Gen that man will take it for you"

I sent my "token" to Bowlegs & in long minutes a group came to the beach including Bowlegs, Assewuah, & others.  What this extraordinary scene meant I have never found out to this day.  Either [[underlined]] a trial [[/underlined]] or a design to kill me & break up negotiations.

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