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Captain, I have to request that you will forward to Lieut. Stewart A.C.S. Monterey by an early and safe opportunity say, 4 to 6 barrels of whiskey. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt: Servt:
[[signed]]J. C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt: Com: Sub: U.S.A.

Office of Com. Sub. 
Head Quarters N Monterey
August 17, 1847

Capt. A B Eaton
Com: Sub:
Brazos Island
[[double line]]

Captain, When transportation offers, you will please forward to A.G.S. at Monterey the greater part of the dried apples on hand at your depĂ´t and [[underlined]]if you have suitable packages,[[/underlined]] (barrels or 1/2 barrels), forward from 80 to 120 gallons molasses- (for hospital). 

Very Respectfully
Your Obd: Servt.
[[signed]] J.C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt: Com: Sub: U.S.A.

Office of Chf. Com: Sub:
Head Quarters, N Monterey
August 17, 1847

Capt. F. Britton
Actg' Com: Sub: U.S.A.
Camargo, Mexico
[[double line]]

Captain, I herewith transmit 12 sets of printed Returns in the form prescribed by the Sub: Dep: in Washington.  

You will please cause them to be distributed among the issuing commissaries attached to Gen: Wool's command.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt: Servt:
[[signed]] J. V. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt: Com: Sub: U.S.A.

Office of Chf. Com: Sub:
Head Quarters, Near Mont'
August 18th, 1847.

Captain J. L. Donaldson 
Actg' Com: Sub: U.S.A
Saltillo, Mexico
[[double line]]

Captain, I have received your letter of the 18th: inst with a report of subce at your post at that date

Sell, or destroy, all your condemned stores as may be for the public interest including of course, the condemned flour mentioned in your letter.

The requisition from Mr Potts dated Augst 16th will be complied with. I have required 65 wagons in addition to the 10 sent down from Saltillo. Lt Stewart is ord'd to send a quantity of dried fruit. The ration is 2 ounces, and notify the surgeon in charge of hospitals &c that you have it on hand. Some hams will also be sent up.

Office of Chf. Com: Sub:
Head Quarters N. Monterey
August 22nd 1897
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Capt. J. L. Donaldson
Actg' Com: Sub:
Hd Qt.  Saltillo

I have required whiskey from Brazos and will forward some as soon as received. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
[[signed J. C. Casey
Capt. Com: Sub: U.S.A.
[[double line]]

Office Com: Sub:
Head Quarters 
N Monterey Aug 22nd '47

Lieut J Stewart
A.C.S Monterey

Lieutenant_, I return herewith the requisition of Mr Potts, dated Saltillo Augst 16th 1847.

The Qm. Gen. (Col whiting) will direct Capt. Sibly to furnish 65 wagons in addition to the 10 sent down from Salftillo- making 75 wagons in all for subsistence _ You will now have transportation for dried apples and hams. If there be any spare transportation in the train after filling the requisition you will add to the articles of rice, coffee, sugar and soap. 

Very Respectfully, 
Your Obdt. Servt.
[[signed]] J. C. Casey
Capt. Com: Sub: U.S.A.
P.S. The train will probably load and go out 5 miles tomorrow.
[[double line]]

Office of Chf: Com Sub
Head Quarters N
Monterey, Mexico
August 28th, 1847

Capt. J.L. Donaldson
Actg' Com: Sub: U.S.A.
at Gen: Wool's Hd Qr

Captain, You will please to take charge of the Subsistence funds with Gen. Wool's command so long as you are acting as Chief Commissary. Furnish the Officers or Agents of the department with funds from time to time on their requisitions and estimates.

Require them to estimate according to regulations and custom of service - giving all the data in detail and, of course, exercise your discretion in answering their estimates.

You may give them funds to pay the beef contractor or require them to give receipts to him for beef received, stating its amount and value, for what troops and in what month received, and, on such vouchers, pay the contractor yourself.

This last mode, if not too troublesome to you, is preferable. Please furnish me with a copy of your monthly summary statement each month.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt: Servt:
[[signed]] J. C Casey
Capt. Com: Sub: U.S.A.
[[/double line]]

Office of Chf. Com: Sub:
Head Quarters Near 
Monterey, Mexico
August 28th, 1847

Captain_, A board of survey convened at Monterey by order of Major General Taylor on August 25th after condemning some stores totally unfit for issue, proceeded to inspect fair samples of certain perishable parts of the ration, and on these reported as follows: