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[[start page]] 18 [[in margin]] '46 Offce of C.S. at Hd Qtrs Monterey Mex Nov 7 1847 Major [[?]] Com Sub Camargo [[/in margin]] Major, I have received your letter of Nov 1st with a report of stores on hand at Camargo Depot. Since my requisitions of the 22nd of Oct, which you have received, I find it expedient to order more Pork and less Bacon. You will please therefore forward by the train of this month 100 000 Rations Pork 50 000 "{ditto for Rations]] Bacon instead of 100.000 Bacon and 50.000 Pork as on the original requisition. All the other articles to remain as before required I hope you will be able to forward 30 or 40 Barrels of good rations by the next train. When Horses are [[?]] you will not issue or sell any to steam boats Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey[[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs: U.S.A. [[double dividing line]] [[in margin]] 47 off. C.C.S. Hd. Qrs. Monterey Nov 16 '47 Major Roman C.S. Camargo [[/in margin]] Major, Your letter of the 1st has been received. In reply to your recommendation relating to old stores still fit for issue, it fullly meets my approval, and you will issue such wholly on inpart at Camargo mand its dependancies, but as there is a large quantity of old flour here which is barely fit for issue I think it advisable to issue half of this old flour and half of the frestiest flour, until this old shall be consumed (2 or 3 months) You will therefore forward only new flour here Please to forward me the name of the A.C.C.S. on duty between Camargo and this place. In relation to the resmoked bacon it answers very well. Very Respectfully Your Obdt: Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs U.S.A. [[end page]] [[in margin]] (48) offce Chf C. S. at Hd:Qrs: Monterey Mex November 18 '47 Capt I.L. Donaldson In Chg Subs: Dept Saltillo [[/in margin]] Captain, The contract made on March 25th 1847 between Captain W.W. Chapman A.C.S. on the part of the United States and S. C. Masch a citizen of the U.S. on the other part for furnishing fresh beef to the troops under command of General Wool [[?]] & expired by it own limitation on the 30th September 1847. You will invite proposals for a new contract to supply the troops at and near Saltillo, giving due public notice at Saltillo and Monterey and make a contract with the lowest responsible bidder being a citizen of the U.S (reserving the right to reject all bids if unreasonable) Let the contract be during the pleasure of the parties, requiring 30 day notice from either party desiring to discontinue it, and in all other respects be governed by the Ref: Subs: Dept: par: 1113 v. form 21. Forward the original bids contract and [[?]] to this office Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs: U.S.A. [double dividing line]] [[in margin]] (49) Offce of Com:Subs: Monterey Mexico Nov 23rd 1847 Capt A. B. Eaton Sen G.S. A of Oc. Brazos Island [[/in margin]] Cqptain, Brig: Genl: Wool who returned a few days since (20th inst) from Camargo where he inspected the subsistance Depot directs me to say to you that he desires you will estimate for a quantity of fresh supplies if you have not already done so - as he found a large amount of the perishable articles spoiled and the remainder damaged or rapidly becoming so, from age. He also directs me to say that he will give an order to this effect so soon as he shall be in command of the army of occupation. The issues at and near Saltillo are say 125 000 a month and the issues have say 38.000 a month making a total of 163.000 rations to be transported every month from Camargo to this Depot Very Respectfully Your Obdt. Servt. [[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs: U.S.A. [[end page]]