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Sub: off: Tampa Bay Fla
May 8. 1850


In reply to your letter of the 2d. just recd,— the ration of molasses was, by a [[underlined]] Circular [/underlined]] from this office dated [[underlined]] Jany 6, [/underlined]] increased to [[underlined]] 
2 quarts to 100 rations [/underlined]]
Should that not be sufficient, you may —, on the recommendation of the [[surgeon]]—, increase it to any reasonable amount — but I presume you never recd: the [[underlined]] Circ: [/underlined]] referred to.

Very respectfully
Your obed Servt
John C. Casey
Capt and Chf C.S.

Capt H. [[?]]
Com of Ft. Kissimmee
++A copy of circa. Jany 6/50 enclosed

Subs. Office Hd. Quarters.
Tampa Bay. Fla. May 15. 1850.

[[underlined]] Candles [/underlined]] will be no longer issued , as part of the ration, to teamsters, labourers, and other employees of the Staff departments of the Army in Florida.
[[right margin]] Addresses to A.A.C.S. at Forts Meade, Hamer, Clinch, [[?]], Chokko Nikla, Brooke, Kissimmee, Myers, Casey, [[?]], Fia, Indian River, Casey.[[/margin]]

John C. Casey
Capt. Chf. C.S.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Subs off: Tampa Bay June 8. 1850


In reply to your letter of May 30. I have to state that this Dept. is not just now in the want of any sugar and, as many of the troops are about leaving none will be required for some time.

I made no contract with Col Pearson but will repeat that when this Dept. wants sugar, I should prefer buying it here to sending to Norleans for it, when the quality, price etc. make it the public interest to do so.

very respectfully
Yr ob sert
John C. Casey
Capt Chf. S.

Darling and Miffin
Tampa Fla

Subs. off. Tampa Bay Oct. 5. 1850


Should a vessel or vessels be ordered from norleans to Florida to transport the 4 or 5 companies of 4th[[?]] to NYork, or other northern post, I have to request that you will place on board the transport 30 days rations for the troops —

Very respectfully
Your obed sert
John C. Casey
Capt C.S.

G.G. Waggaman
N. Orleans

Sub off Tampa Bay Oct 30/50

Gen [[? ?]] C.E.S.

I have to request a remittance of $3000= [[? ?]] army subsistence and, if practicable, in small drafts of $500 each.

Very respectfully
Yr ob sert
J.C. Casey
Capt C.S.