Viewing page 54 of 79

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Subs Office
Tampa Bay Fla. June 22/51

Gen Geo Gibson,

Under date of May 23. 1851 the Com  [[?]] [[?]] expresses a wish that I should continue to disburse for the Dept. of the Int:, and in reply I of course expressed my willingness to do so, as my health nor such as to forbid my leaving this state.  He also stated that it meet with yr exceptation.

Very resplly
Ye obedt serv
[[signed]]JCCasey[[/signed]] Capt CS

[[dividing line]]

Tampa Bay Florida
June 28th 1851

Maj Gen R Jones

Yr. letter of the 11th [[?]] addressed to the Comdg Officer Ft Burke Fla. was received at this place by last mail

This post (Ft Burke) has been abandoned, except as a Depot for the staff Dept., for some time and I preserve that "Post Returnes" can no longer be required, nor, under the present regulations tracking staff rank, an I [[?]] that there is any "Comdg Officer" here

I have thought it my duty, as the  senior officer here, to make the acknowledgment of your communication.

very respectfully
Your obedt servt
John C. Casey
Capt & C.S.

[[dividing line]]

Tampa Bay Fla
Jully 3. 1851

Gen Gibson C.G.S.

Herewith please receive my Ae let 2nd qr. 51-

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Major, Please forward, by any fwd vessel, before 15 August - say

    50 Bbl flour
    25 Bu Beans
  1200 lbs sugar
   400 - [[ditto for lb]] Soap
   100 - [[ditto for lbs]][[?]] Candle

The last two lots of Flour (apparently same quality) were [[underlined]]very inferior[[/underlined]]- & I have therefore to request that for next shipment, you will procure some that has not been long in Norleans & that is sweet [[?]].

I have purchased some flour here at $5 - (said to have cost $6. in No.) to enable the troops to use the stock on hand - by mixing

Maj G Waggaman
in Norleans

[[dividing line]]

Gen Geo Gibson C.G.S.

I have the honor to acknowledge the recpt: of yr. order of [[?]] shall accordingly require no more antiscorbutics for the troops in Florida

The small stock on hand I shall however issue unless otherwise directed by you, or it [[?]] not sell for any thing here.

With [[?]] [[?]]
J C Casey Capt CS

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Transcription Notes:
he drags his pen so 51 looks like 57