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Sub Office Tampa Bay Fla
Aug 7 1837

[[underlined]] Circular [[/underlined]]


On 30 Sept: next, or as soon thereafter as practicable, you will forward direct to this C.G.S. at Wash: a report, in Tabular form, of all civilians employed by you in any capacity in the sub dept at your post

The report will specify
_________the service performed
_________the necessity for[[emp lg ?]] civilians
_________when first employed
_________the compensation allowed and
_________the authority therefor.
In cases of enlisted men the rate of extra pay, if any, will be stated.

Forward a copy of your report to this off:

This circular is in obedience to Gen. Order No. 40 Hd Qr of this Army July 21 1837

Very [[??]]
JC Casey  Capt Com

1st [[?]]
& [[?]]

[[dividing line]]

Subs: off: Tampa Bay
August 3, 1837

Maj G. G. Waggaman
in N. Orleans La

Please forward by first safe conveyance to this depot say
45 bbl s f. Flour
10 Bu Beans

In last two lots of flour were very inferior and I must therefor ask your special attention to the quality of the next shipment

Very [[respectfully ?]]
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
[[underlined]]Capt CS [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Subs off. Tampa Bay
Aug 23 1837

Lieut Beckwith & Meade

The [[underlined]] Com [[/underlined]] on hand (6 1/6 bu) at your post is not needed by you, and I wish you to transfer it to the ACS
(Lt L O. Morris) at Ft Meyers

To effect - the transfer - Invoice that guantity the A.C.S. & recpt. for same to A A QM at Ft Meyer

Lt Morris a A.C.S. will recpt. [[?]] or AAQM will invoice a like amount.

You will then add the com for your inventory and Lt. M. will transfer it from him QM the Sub. xxx Send and-?. stores to this depot until you can sell them

Sub C
Your O S
[[signed]] J C Casey [[/signed]] Capt

[[dividing line]]

Sub Off Tampa Bay
Aug 23 1837

Lieuts. Morris & Mires

Here are 6 1/6 Bu Corn [[?]] to Sub Dept. at Ft Meade, not wanted there

To transfer it to your post I have directed Lt Beckwith a A.C.S. to Invoice that amt. to you, and a A.A. Q.M. to receipt to you for same  He can then add the corn to his QM stores

By exchanging Receipts & Inv with him in two dept., you can then transfer the com from your QM to your [[?]] stores -

Very [[?]]
G [[?]]
[[signed]] J C Casey [[/signed]]
xxx send all damaged stores so the post [[?]] [[?]] can sell them or need them for issue to Indians

[[dividing line]]

Sub: office Tampa Bay Sept. 2. 1837
Lt. L. O. Morris
ACS Ft Meyer,  I return herewith the papers (abt. extra [[?]] [[?]] issue made by you in May and June 1837) with my endorsement captaining such a more properly authorized & so for relieving you.

Very [respectfully ?]]
JC Casey Capt
over for [[?]]

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