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Ends. or Extra Issue Abst for May 31
These extra supplies were furnished on my requisition to Ft. Myers as to other posts, in Fla. under par 1112 and in the absence of any counter orders were issued to the troops as directed by me. J.C.S. C.S. [[?]] offr: Tampa Sept 2/57.

End. or Ab Ind "Issues for May/51
These issues to Indian and interpreter were made by order of Capt Casey, at the time spec "Ind" Asst. & were discretionary with him which negotiating for removing these Indians were going on. The Rice was not only issued in lieu of the bread stuffs and vegetables, but also because there was a beef surplus on hand much damaged. J.C.C. C.S.] sept 2/51

End. or Ab Ent: Iss: for June 1851.
See "Remark" endorsed by me a Lt. Lomony abst. [[?]] issue for May - as applicable to all thes issues except the sugar & coffee which was without any sanctions.
J.C.C. C.S. Sept 2. 1851


Sub office
Tampa Bay Sept 3/1851

Geo Gibson C.G.S.

Sir, the troops in Fla. have, until lately, been supplied with antiscorbutics. The Med. Offr recommended it, and the men had no opportunity of buying or raising fresh vegetables

But since the troops have been fixed, I have no longer required or distributed extra articles

The few articles remaining on hand I propose to issue as reported in my letter of July 27th. and I hope this course will meet the approbation of the Dept.
very resplly
[[signature]]JCCasey [/signature]]Capt. S.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Subs office
Tampa Bay Fla Sept 7/51

Major G.G. Waggaman
C.S. N.Orleans La.

Please forward immediately the following supplies viz:

  40 Bbls Flour - when fresh
  10 -[[ditto for Bbls]] pork
 160 lbs Coffee
1220 -[[ditto for lbs]] Sugar
 120 -[[ditto for lbs]]Candles
 320 -[[ditto for lbs]] Soap
 100  Keg Whisky

Direct to [[underlined]] A.C.S. Tampa Bay Fla. [/underlined]]
The Pork last received from Norleans was not corn-fed Pork. (The loss in cuting on a trial piece was from   7¾ to 2 7/8th  which left us too great to be ascribed to keeping - as it had been well covered with brine, altho some time on hand.

very respectfully
Yr obed st
J.C. Casey CS.


Tampa Bay Sept 28. 1851

Maj Waggaman -

I have recd: yr. Invoice of Sept 3d for 45 Bbls. Flour, but no notice of Beans. This last article will, I hope soon be in yr market.

A copy of my reqn. of Sept 7th is herewith  transmitted and I hope the articles therein called for will be recd. here by the Madone Capt McNull - soon expected here - as these are needed.

I now have to make a further Reqt. to be here early in [[strikethrough]]Oct [[/strikethrouth Now  

^[[all items bracketed with notation: To be here before 20 Nov any how]] 
30 Bbl Ham if fresh    | 20 Bbl Pork if fresh
10 Bu Bean & 200 lb Rice when fresh} 
360 lbs coffee  | 100 lb Candle               
720 -[[ditto for lbs]] Sugar   | 300 -[[ditto for lb]] Soap        
60 vinegar                  

very resplly
[[signature]]JC Casey [/signature]]
Capt. CS
Oct 5/ Dup. by Madone order to add 50 per ct. to all but Pork.
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Other transcribers invited to proof read and find the missing [[?]], which are many.