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Subs: office
Tampa Bay Dec 21 1851


The [[underlined]] Corned Beef [[/underlined]] recd: from NYork on my requisition, made thro yr. office, was far superior to what is termed [[underlined]] Mess Beef [[/underlined]], and more expensive then mess beef or mess Pork.  It cost $18 a Bbl in NYork

Under these circumstances, regarding it as an extra article in quality - I directed the A.C.S. to issue it at the rate of one pound per ration, which I believe equivalent to one & a fourth pound of [[underlined]] Mess Beef [[/underlined]]

The Comdg. Off. at Ft Myers has, in consenquence, issued an  order to the subs: off^ at [[strikeout]]his [[/strikeout]] that post of which I transmit a opy herewith

I respectfully request that this order may be submitted to the proper authority, as I do not think that order purely administrative to subordmate or can be countermanded by any officer commanding a port without manifest refering to the service

Such has not been the custom of service I believe heretofore.

Ver resplly
JCCasey Chf C.S. in Fla
Ft Myers  Nov 20 1851

Lt: I. J. Chalfin
A.C.S. C A A.G CU.

Sir, In the issue of Salt Beef to the troops at this post, you will onform to paragraph 1112 Ref: for the subs: Dept edition of 1849.

In future no orders, no matter from whence received, will be executed without the sanction of the Comdg Offr of this post

Yr obedt servt
[[Jns. A. Urinder ?]]
Capt 1s Art & Ft Med
Com of Post

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Tampa Bay Dec 25/51

Col I H Winder Com of
Ft. Myers

I have recd: Sp: Ord: Mp 83 J Qrs. W.D. dated norleans Dec 6/57 and prepose to go down to Ch Harbor and Pea river whenever you may be ready

Please inform me, by return boat, of yr anouncements to carry out the duty assigned to us, and at what time it will suit your convenience to visit the [[?]] in question x x x x x x 

Very Truly Yrs
[[underlined]][[signed]] J. C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt [[/underlined]] 

Tampa Jany 4. 1852

Gen Geo Gibson

I have the honor to transmit my Aflettr for 4 qr '57
[[signed]]JC Casey [[/signed]]cs.

Subs: off. Tampa Bay Fla.
Febry 5. 1852


Please forward to [[[underlined]] the new Depot [[/underlined]] or Pea river near N.E. point of Charlotte Harbor, or, in case the new depot should be inaccessible, to ft myers on [[?]] [[?]] the following subs: store

  |  30 Bbls. Ms. Pork
  |3.000 lbs. Hd. Bread
  | 60 Bbl. Flour
  | 30 Bu. Beans
  |900 lbs. Coffee
  |1800-[[ditto for lbs}} 
  | 120 Glls. Vinegar
  |200 lbs. Candles
  |480 - [[ditto for lbs.]] Soap
  | 10 Bu Salt
of these stores 1/2 the Hd. Bread will be needed by first vessel and all the balance of Reg. by March 30th or soon thereafter.  None of the stores called for by me on Dec 25" or monthly required ("as soon as practible") have yet arrived

Very resplly yr or
[[signed]] JCasey [[/signed]] CS.

[[in margin]]
Dup on June 9
[[/in margin]]

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Transcription Notes:
He has a tendency to drag his pin making 1851 look like 1857 but cronologicaly it is 1851