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Sub. off. Tampa Bay
Decr 1. 1852

Captain, Please forward to this depot (Lt. M.S. [Dickerson A.C.S.) before Jany 31. 1853, the following sub stores

22 Bbls Pork
58 -[[ditto for Bbls]] Flour
16 Bu Beans
500 lb Rice
800 -[[ditto for lb]] Coffee
1600 [[ditto for lb]] Sugar
100 Gl Vinegar
120 lb Candles
400 -[[ditto for lb]] Soap
6 Bu Salt

       If the Fashion is coming here at once, then ship this & all previous estimates due by her, but, if she is only coming in Jany or even early in Feby, then defer this requisition until then. The storage here is scant, because these frequent and small estimates.

[[signature]] J Casey[/signature]] CS

Capt. Sherman
C.S. Norleans

Sub officer Tampa
Dec 4. 1852

Capt. J. M. Brannan

aaas Hd Qr Sir,

I have read the letter from Bv Lt Col Winder of Dec 1 referred to me, by order of the Comdg Genl, for a repost 
I enclose a schedule showing to what date Ft. Myers is supplied with each article of subs:

The scarcity of storage renders it impracticable to keep a very large supply on hand and at this season it is unexpedient to have any unnecessary supplies in this climate, as the [[underlined]] new [/underlined]] supplies are expected

The failure in [[underlined]] quality [/underlined]] of this shipment of [[underlined]] Pork [/underlined]] explains the scarcity of those articles, but an ample supply of good Beef will be at Ft. M before their present stock [[]] out.

The Pork, Flour furnished to Ft. Myers for the last two years has been the same as was sent to other

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posts and as has been used used no general complaint has been made by other officers, nor has an unusual quantity been condemned, except in the ten lots alluded to above  
I will add that, in my opinion, the Ham during this year has been [[?]] as few as I have ever known it to be for this climate.

resll [[initials[[ JCC [[/initials]]CS.

Sub off: Tampa Fla Dec 15. 1852


I am sorry to say that the lot of pork just received is of inferior quality and not properly mess pork - as it is too soft to be passed as corn-fed pork. As it was warranted I shall reship all that I am not obliged to keep. 

Should you not have forwarded my requisition of Dec 1st when you receive this I have to request that you will ship it at once.

Please also forward [[underlined]] on or before Feb. 1st [/underlined]] the following

25 Bbls Pork
58 "[[ditto for Bbls]] Flour
800 lbs Coffee
100 Gls. Vinegar
400 lbs soap
25 Bush. Beans
400 lbs Rice
1600 "[[ditto for lbs]] Sugar
100  "[[ditto for lbs]] Candles
8 Bush. Salt  in addition

[[left margin vertical]] Recd [/left margin vertical]].

[[?]] all previous estimates, Hereafter Lt. Dickerson will act as Com. Subs here - my health no longer permitting me to do duty. 
Very Respectfully
(signd) J.C. Casey
Capt and C.S. 

Capt. Sherman
New Orleans

Subs off Tampa Dec /52

Gen Gibson, 

I regret to report to you that a third attempt to procure sound & cornfed Pork from Norleans has failed.  Two lots recd. in Aug & Sept having turned out to be unfit for issue, I sent a portion of them back to no. and called the special attention of the C.S. to them 

He has now forwarded a third lot as