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Sub offe a
Tampa Bay Mar 10.1853


You will please pay the Beef Contractor from [[?]] 1. at the rate of 10ยข (ten cents) per lb. - L. Lanier Esq.

  Lt A. Beckwith}   | Very Resblly
A.A.C.S. Ft.Myer}   | Yr Sv
                    | J.C.Casey C.S.

Sub Office
Tampa Bay Florida
April 13 1853
Gen Geo Gibson CGS

Should any troops be ordered to relieve those now in Florida I have to suggest that the transports may be ordered to bring a sufficient quantity of subsistence stores, to supply the relieved troops on their way out.  I presume, in the event of such a movement, that the transports which bring out post troops will carry back these now here

Resplly Sv

Lewin Lamier Esq
Beef Contractor,   hi, Yr letter of 23d in this movement recd: and, in reply, I have to inform you that your contract will be continued by me until Dec 1. next, provided you give satisfaction and thereafter, f it should still seem for the public interest.

As you make no allusion to this increased price (10c) authorized by me for beef delivered at Ft Myers since Jany 1. 1853, I fear my letter may not have reached the ACS at that post.

Yr Ob Svt
JC Casey
Chf G in Fa

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Tampa Bay Fla Nov 9 1853


Please forward to this depot before the end of Decr the following sub stores - to A C S Tampa Bay
62 Bbl  M Pork
135 -[[ditto for bbl]] Flour
40 Bu Beans
600 lb Rice
500 -[[ditto for lb]] Coffee
2000 -[[ditto for lb] Sugar
100 -[[ditto for lb]] Candles
200 -[[ditto for lb]] Soap
20 -[[ditto for lb]] Salt

in addition to the 60 Pork 20 Beans called for on Oct 5 or 5 bu fr Butter ord.
Very respectfully [[good guess]]
[[signed]] JC Casey[[/signed]] Capt [[?]]

 Maj I T Reynolds}
Acty C S NOrleans}
Tampa Bay Fla Nov 9. 1853

Gen Geo Gibson
CGS Sir, In consequence of the presuent changes & inexperience of the officers at this Depot I have not hesitated to place myself on duty so far as to examine into the state of the supplies [[?]] as estimate to the acs norleans,

If the troops coming by [[?]] to relieve the 1st Arty, bring subs: for these [[?]], there will be no scaseity of any thing.

Resplly Yr ost

[[signed]] JC Casey [[/signed]]
Capt C

Tampa Nov. 20 1853

Gen Geo. Gibson C.G.S.

Sir:  I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 5th and I hasten to supply the reports called for by your Circular of Febry 3. 1853 and which I have neglected since my report of Febry 13. 1853. I was stationed here, as Chf. C.S. in Florida, by your orders dated Aug 14. 1849, and was

Transcription Notes:
penmanship is deteriorating and his normal salutation "Very Respectfully" & "Your Obdt Servt" has become a series of letters or squiggles - which is how it is transcribed (without spelling corrections.