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Head Quarters
Army of Occupation
Camp n. Montrey
Augst. 15. 1847
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 Order }
No. 95 }

[[underlined]] Capt: John C. Casey [[/underlined]] , Commissary of Subsistence having reported for duty to the Commanding General, is announced as chief of the Subsistence Department serving at Head Quarters, Officers doing duty in that Department will receive his orders and instructions and will address their reports and communications accordingly.

By order of Major General Taylor
W.W.S. Bliss
Asst: Adj: Genl:

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[[in margin]] 
Head Quarters
Army of Occupation
Camp N. Monterey,
Augst. 16 1847
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 No 96}   1 . . . Five companies of the 104 Infantry under the Colonel will proceed to Matamoros and relieve the Ohio Regt. of Vols. now in garrison there.  The Ohio Regt. will then proceed to Brazos Island and be held ready to embark for Vera Cruz.  The remaining companies of the 10th under the Leut. Col. will, with Caps Hunts company of artillery and Capt Reed's of Texas Cavalry, form the garrison of Camargo and its dependancies, relieving the other troops now on that duty.

II . . . The Indiana Regt: of Vols. will proceed to Brazos Island and will there with the Ohio Regt: embark for Vera Cruz.  Brig: Genl: Lane will take command of these Regiments at the Brazos and conduct them to their destination.

III . . . Six companies of the 16th Regt. under the Colonel will take up the line of march for Monterey where they will relieve the present garrison composed of six companies of the Massachusetts Regt: The remaining four companies under Lieut. Col. will in the like manner relieve the Battalion of the Massachusetts Regt. at Cerralvo. The troops thus relieved will proceed to the Brazos, and be there shall concentrated under the command of Col. Wright.

IV . . . The 13th Regt: will also proceed to the Brazos as soon as practicable after the companies of the Massachusetts Regt: now at Cerralvo shall have passed down the river

V . . . Brig Genl. Cushing will take up the line of march not later than the 23rd inst. with Capt. Deas light battery (Comp B 4" art:). He will proceed to the Brazos where he will bring under his orders the 13th Regt. and Massachusetts Regt of Vols. and thence conduct his entire command (1 battery and two Regts) to Vera Cruz.

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