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VI . . . Brig. Genl Hopping will remain in command of the district of the upper Rio Grande and will establish his Head Quarters where he may elect. Should it be found necessary to retain the General Hospital at Mier, a sufficient guard will be furnished for protection, and also a sufficient force of medical officers and attendants must be detailed from the regts. which leave their sick.  Great care will be taken to furnish descriptive rolls to all attendants and to patients thus detached.  Col Belhnap is specially charged with the rigid enforcement of this order.

VII . . . Col Hays with his command of Texas horse will march for the Brazos and there embark for Vera Cruz in conformity with the instructions issued to him by the War Department.

VIII . . . The above movements will be executed with the least possible delay.  The Quarter Masters, and other staff departments will furnish the necessary transportation and other facilities fpor the purpose.

By the order of Major Genl: Taylor
W.W.S. Bliss
asst. adj. Genl.

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Head Quarters.
Army of Occupation
Cap near Monterey
August 23rd. 1847.
[[/in margin]]

Special Orders
[[underlined]] No 109 | Extract |[[/underlined]] 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 . . . A Board of Survey to consisit of Capt. [[underlined]] Geo: D. Ramsey, [[/underlined]] Ordinance, Capt. [[underlined]] J. C. Casey [[/underlined]] Subsistence Dept. and 2nd Lieut, [[underlined]] W. F. Reynolds [[/underlined]], Topographical Engs: will meet at the Subsistence Storehouse in Monterey, at 10 o'clock a.m. on the 25th: inst: to examine and report upon certain Subsistence Stores that will be presented by Lieut. Stewart A.C.S. The junior member will record the proceedings.

By order of Major General Taylor
W.W.S. Bliss
Asst, Adjt. General

[[double dividing lline]]

[[in margin]]
Head Quarters, 
Army of Occupation
Camp near Monterey
Sept 6th 1847,
[[/in margin]]

Special Order
[[underlined]] No 114  | Extract |[/underlined]]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 . . . Major [[underlined]] F. A. Churchill [[/underlined]] Com: Subs: is assigned to duty with the Brigade if Genl. Lane.  He will proceed with as little delay as prac=

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=ticable via Vera Cruz to the Head Quarters of [[?]] Genl, and report for duty.
s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

By order of Major General Taylor.
W.W.S. Bliss

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Head Quarters
Army of Occupation
Camp n Monterey
Sept 14th 1847
[[in margin]]

[[Special Order
[[underlined]] No 117  | Extract |

2 . . . Major [[underlined]] R. Roman [[/underlined]] Com: Subs: will be immediately relieved from duty with Genl Wool's Command.  He will then proceed to Camargo and relieve Capt Britton in his duties of Depot Commissary.  When relieved Capt Britton will with as little delay as practicable proceed to Vera Cruz, and thence join his Regiment in the in the field.

By order of Major General Taylor
W.W.S. Bliss

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Head Quarters
Army of Occupation
Camp N. Monerey
September 28 '47
[[/in margin]]

Special Orders}
        No 121}

Capt [[underlined]] M.B. Lamar [[/underlined]] having been instructed by the 
Governer of Texas, under the authority of the War Department to raise a company for twelve months. to be stationed at or near Laredo, thes officers of the various staff department at Camargo will on Capt Lamars requisition, furnish the Company with the necessary supplies of subsistence ordinance and Quarter Masters Stores

By Order of Major General Taylor
W.W.S. Bliss

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[[in margin]]
Hd Qr Buena Vista
25th October 1847
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[[underlined]] Special Orders, No 114. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Mr. C. I. Burgess [[/underlined]] agent in the Q Masters Department, is transfered to the Subsistence Dept and is placed on the same footing as the other agents of that Department serving with the Army to take effect from the 19th [[?]]

By Command of Brig Genl Wool
Irvin McDowel

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