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[[margin]] Camp W. Monterey 7th November 1847 [/margin]]

You can renew the contract with Colonel March for supplying the troops in and near Saltillo with fresh beef for a period not less than six months, unless you should consider it for the
interest of the Government to shorten the period. The beef to be furnished should be of the first quality.
I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obed. Servt.
(signed) John E. Wool
Brig Genl

[[margin]] Capt Donaldson
Asst Q.Master
Saltillo [/margin]]

Hd Qrs, A. Of Oc.
Monterey Dec 10 1847 [/margin]]

[[underlined]] Order No 3. [/underlined]]
The following instructions relative to the purchase of supplies, by officers commanding detached parties, will be strictly adhered to.
Whenever it becomes necessary for detachments who are unprovided with a disbursing officer of the Subsistence or Quartermasters Departments, to procure supplies from Mexicans or others, the commanding officer will receipt to the party for the articles procured. The receipts will specify the quantity and price of each article, and will state to what officer, or at what office the account must be presented for payment. The claimant will be directed to present his account to the person or place indicated on the receipt, at the earliest date practicable.
The officer giving the receipt will immediately notify the proper disbursing officer of the fact, giving at the same time, a brief statement of the circumstances which rendered it necessary, stating the number of men under his command or, to what date, and by whom they were last rationed etc, etc. and, on whose papers the articles bought will be accounted for.
The laws of the Treasury Department , and the Regulations for the Army requiring a regular accountability under these data necessary, if they are not furnished, the accounts of the receipts will be charged to the officer giving it.
Commanding Officers of the different Posts on the line, will cause a copy of this order to be furnished the commanding officer of every
detachment they may send out.
By Command of Brig Genl Wool
Irvin McDowel

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Hd:Qrs: A. of O.
Monterey Mex
Dec 22nd 1847

[[underlined]] Special Orders No 23. [/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Extract [/underlined]]
1... 1st Lieut[[underlined]] Joseph Stewart [/underlined]] 3rd Artillery will be relieved from duty in the Commissary Department at Monterey by [[?]] Casey agent Commissary Department and will join his company with the Army under General Scott without delay.
By Command of Brig Genl Wool
Irwin McDowel

[[Blue stationary overlays journal entries]]
Hd Qrs. Fort Brooke
Tampa April 28 1849
Captain J.C. Casey having consented to perform, temporarily, the duties of issuing commissary at this post, he will relieve Lt. Garland a.a.c.s. The property and funds belonging to the Depot will be turned over to Capt. Casey
on the [[?]] provisions, instead of to Capt. Getty as directed by Past Order Mo. 59-
By order
Maj [?]]
F. Collins
[/Blue stationary overlays journal entries]]

Transcription Notes:
Blue stationary is overlaid on top of the journal entries, blocking view of journal.