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Hd Qr: A of O
Montrey Mexo
Jany '17 1848
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[[double underlined]]
Special Orders No 68 [[/double underlined]]

Colonel Harmtrameh will send Lieut Ross and 25 men from Captain Meales Company to take post at the Renconado.

The officers of the Quarter Masters and subsistence Departments will take the necessary measures to have the party supplied with forage and subsistence.

The Officer Commanding the Detachment will make his requesition in season for subs: to enable the proper Department to keep him constantly supplied.

By Command of Brig Gen Wool
(signed) Irwin McDowel

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Hd Qr A of O
Monterey M xo
January 23, 1848
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[[double underlined]] Special Orders No 77 [[/underlined]

Captain Street A.C.S. will relieve Mr. Burgess Com Agent from his duties at Buena Vista. On being relieved Mr. Burgess will refrain to Monterey and repost to Captain Casey C.S., for duty.

By command of Brig General Wool
Irvin McDowel
Irvin McDowel

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[[in margin]]
Hd Qrs A of O
Monterey M xo
January 23, 1848

Order No 62.

When cattle are or have been seized and confiscated for the benefit of the United States they will be turned ove to the
Commissary of subsistence, to dispose of according to the Regulations of the Subs: Dept.

Where there is a beef Contractor, the Cattle will be sold to him by the Department at a fair valuation.

By Command of Brig. Gen. Wool
Irvin McDowel

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Hd Qrs: Monterey
February 3rd '48
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Order No 70

The Quartermasters and Subsistence Departments wll take measures to increase to, and to keep in store at this place, and above, Sixty days supply of Subsistence, and other stores for the troops at Saltillo, and Monterey, and for are additional force of Five Hundred men. (Dragoons) 

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As the trains have been directed to leave Carmargo on the 1st and 15th of every month The Commissary of Subsistence will make his Estimates in time for the train of the 15h instant

By Command of Brig: Gen Wool
Irvin McDowel

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Hd: Qr: Monterey
Feby 11rh: 1848
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Special Orders No 97

ii . . . Mr. H P. Casey Agent Sub: Dept: will proceed to [[?]] by the 1st: opportunity on busines connected with the Sub: Dept: He will within twenty Days.

By Command of Brig: Gen: Wool
Irvin McDowell

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Hd Qr Brig Gen Wool
[[?]] n. Monterey
Nov 2nd 1847.

Capt: Donaldson
Asst: Q.M.
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In answer to your letter of the 1sr: inst: relating to cattle siezed by the Texans. I would remark that the same subject was mentioned in a letter from Col Hamtrameh; and the General has defered giving any defient orders till more clearty what connection the owner has had with the Guerrillas.

I am Sir.
Very Resoectfully
Your Obdt: Servt:
Irvin McDowel

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Hd Qrs: Monterey
Febry 16th 1848
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Special Orders No 101

Captain Hunter 2nd Dragoons will have his Companies of his command (his own and Bvt: Major Grahams) ready to proceed ton detached service, in the course of three or four days.

He will make his requesitions for 40 days small rations, not to exceed 17 days salt meat and at least 60 Rounds of ammunition.

The Quarter Masters Department will furnish the necessary transportation

By Command of Brig Gen Wool
Irvin McDowell

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Hd: Qr: Monterey.
Feby 16th 1848
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Special Orders No 102

II . . . Colonel Hantrameh will prepare four companies of the Va: Reg: and Captain Adams Compy of Texas Vols: all under the com=

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