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-mand of Captain Harper Va: Regt: to take Post at Parras.

II... The Quarter Masters and Subsistence Departments will furnish the necessary supplies and transportation to carry out the above.

II...Should any of the persons belonging to the companies detained for the above purpose be required as witnesses before the Court of Inquiry now in session at Saltillo, they will be detained until they can be examined before the court. After which they will be ordered to join their companies by the first opportunity.

IV...Colonel Clark Miss: Regt: and Capt Harper Va: Reg: will report in person to the General Commanding without delay, the latter will be prepared to march with his command as soon as he returns.
By Command of Brig Gen Wool
Irwin McDowel

Orders #83.
 Hd: Qt: Monterey
Feby 20th 1848

Officers of the Quarter Masters and Subsistence Departments will not have their Stations authority from the commandants of Districts, or from Head Quarters, the latter will be necessary to permit the officer to quit the District on which he may be stationed.
By Command of Brig: Gen: Wool
Irwin McDowel

[[margin]] Hd: Qts: Monterey
Feburary 21st. 1848

I have the honor to inform you by the direction of the General commanding, that the Mississippi Reg: and Capt: mears Company of [[?]] have been ordered to move upon, and occupy [[?]] so soon as the necessary transportation can be provided. Col: Hamtramck commanding at Buena Vista will be ordered to give orders to the Quarter Masters and Commissary Departments at that place and Saltillo to furnish the necessary supplies and transportation.
This information is communicated that you may make any arrangements that may be necessary for your dept:
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt: Servt
Irwin McDowel
P.S. aggregate mess bif  487
Mears Comp. [[underlined]]65 [/underlined]]   Total                    552

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[[margin]] Hd: Qt: Monterey
Feby 28th 1848 [[margin]]

Detail for Armed Service
From /s/: Drags L.N.C officer and 12 men, to report to major [[?]] Qr. Master to morrow at 9 o'clock a.m. prepared to go as Escort to Saltillo with the specie for Com: Dept:
By Order
Irwin McDowel

[[margin]] Hd: Qts: Monterey
March 13 1848 [/margin]]

Special Orders No 89.
[[underlined]] Extract [/underlined]]
111...On account of his failing health, Captain John S. Casey C.S. is relieved from duty at this place and has permission to proceed to Matamoros on the Brazos. Captain
F.L. Brevet A.S,M. with J.C. Casey, and W. Burgess, agents for the Subs: Dept: will until further orders take charge of the Dept: at this Depot.
By Command of Brig Gen. Wool
Irwin McDowel

[[margin]] Hd:Qts: Monterey
May 14 1848 [/margin]]

Special Orders No 138
Leave of Absence is granted to Captain John C. Casey C.S. to proceed to New Orleans for the benefit of his health, with permission to apply to the adgt. General for such extension of his leave as may be necessary.
By Command of Brig Gen:
Irwin McDowel

[[margin]] Ft. Brooke Fla
April 28/49 [/margin]]

Hd. Qr. Fort Brooke
Tampa April 28, 1849
Order No. 64
Capt. J.C.Casey having consented to perform temporarily, the duties of Issuing Coms. at this post, he will relieve Lt. Garland A.A.C.S. The property and funds belonging to the Dept. will be turned over to Capt Casey on the proviso [[best guess]], instead of to Capt Getty as directed by Post Order No. 59
By order
Maj Comd
(signed) F. [[?]]
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