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[[in margin]]
Ft Brooke Fl
May 14/49

Maj G.G. Waggaman
C.S. N Orleans
[[/in margin]]


I have to request that you will ship for this Post by an early opportunity the following stores  [[?]]:

|  20 Bbls Mess Pork
|  24 "[[ditto for Bbls]] Flour ( s.f.)
|  21 Bu Beans (w.f.)
| 769 lbs Sugar
|  96 Gl. Vinegar
| l07 lb. Candles
|  86 lb Soap
|   6 Bu Salt
| 200 lb. Hams

Very respectfully
Your Obedt Sevt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
[[underlined]] Capt Com Subs [[/underlined]]

[[in margin]]
Ft. Brooke
July 23/49
Lt. E. Hayes
New Orleans
[[/In margin]]

Lieut.  I have to request that you will forward by first conveyance to this post
  | 2000 Rations Hard Bread
  | 1000 "[[ditto mark for Rations]] Bacon side

Very Respetly
yr obedt Sevt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[signed]]
[[Capi ?]]
[[ flourish mark]]

[[end page]] 

[[start page]]
Hd.Qrs. West "Div" & Florida
Tampa Bay Fla Aug 25, 1849

Order No. 1

In obedience to instructions from the War Dept. Maj Genl Twiffs assumes command of the troops in Florida

2 . . .  Requisitions for all men required by the Q M. and Com Depts, will be made on the troops, and furnished by commanding officers - and in no instance will citizens be employed in the public service except in cases, where the requisition can no possibly be filled from the troops, or dispensed with by the officer requiring.

3 . . . Such citizens as may now be employed in the public service, will be discharged, and their places supplied as above directed.

6 . . . Brevet Col Gardner will detail an officer to relieve Capt Casey C.S. in the duties of post and depot commissary -

By order Maj Gen Twiggs
signed W.W. MacKall
[[?]] Genl


Head Qrs W. Div & Fla.
Tampa Bay Fla Aug 27. 1849

Order No.2
 x x x x 
V . . . Captain John C. Casey is announced as the Chief Com S for the troops in Florida
By order Maj Gen Twiggs
signed W. W. Mackall
Asst [[?]] Genl

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