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Head Quarter Master Division of Florida
Tampa Bay Fla. August 23. 1849

Order )
No. 1 )

In obedience to instructions from the War Department, Major General Twiggs, assumes command of the Troops in Florida.

2 . . . Requisitions for all men, required by the quartermasters & Commissary Departments, will be made on the Troops, and furnished by Commanding officers - and in no instance will citizens be employed in the public Service, except in cases, where the requisitions cannot properly be filled from the troops, or dispensed with by the officer requiring 

3 . . . Such Citizens as may now, be emoployed in the Public Service, will be discharged, and their places supplied, as above directed.

4 . . . All means of Transportation in possession of reqimental staff officers, will be immediately turned over to the Chief Quarter Master, at the different posts, to this officer the Quarter Master Sergeants of the different regiments will be directed to report.

5 . . . Brevet Colonel Gardner 4th. Arty. will take command of the Troops of this regiment at & in the vicinity of Fort Brooks.

6 . . . Brevet Colonel Gardner, will detach an officer to relieve Captain Casey C.S. in the duties of post & Depot Commissary

7 . . . A company of the 4th. artillery, will be detailed by the commanding office & hold ready to move tomorrow morning to [[underlined]] Manitee [[/underlined]] - supplies with previsions for one month.

8 . . . Surgeon Randall is announced as the medical director of the Army in Florida - He will detail a medical officer to accompany the command to [[underlined]] Manitee [[/underlined]].

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Head Quarters Western Division of Florida.
Tampa Bay Flor. August 27th. 1849

Order )
No. 2 )

I . . . Our company of the 4th. Regiment of Artillery, to be detailed by the Colonel, will march for Linears near the [[underlined]] Alafia [[/underlined]] tomorrow morning

II . . . The Captain of this company will call on the proper staff Departments, for ammunition - (60 rounds) provisions for one month; (up one third the rations of Salt meat,) and transportation.

III . . . The baggage of troops will be reduced, as much as possible - the means of transportation are limited, and commands must be ready for prompt movement.

IV . . . The Medical Director will assign a Medical Officer to this Command.

V . . . Captain John C. Casey. is announced as the Chief Commissary for the Troops in Florida.

By Order of Major General Twiggs
W. W. Mackall
Asst. Adgt General.

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War Department
Adjutant General,
Washington Sept. 12. 1849

General Order, )
        No. 45 )

In addition to the force already ordered, ten companies of Artillery, equipped as Infantry, will be put enroute without delay for Pilatka, Florida, there to recieve the further instructions of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Twiggs, to whom the commanders of the several detachments will make their reports.

1st Regr. Artr.  | { one field officer, and four companies: three  from 
| { Harbour of New York, to be designated by the
| { Colonel, and one (H) from Fort Washington.

2nd Regr. Arty. | { One field officer, and two Companies: one       
| {from Fort Macon (H) and one from  Fort
| {Johnston (C).

3rd. Regr. Arty. | { One field officer, and four ompanies from
| { Fort Adams to be designated by the Colonel

By Order
(Signed) R. Hibes
A. Genl.

A line Copy
W. W. Blair
Bvt. Capt. U.S.A.