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[[underlined]] From [[/underlined]] Dr. [[double-underlined]] A. G. Prill, [[/double-underlined]] ^[[(]] Sweet Home, Oregon, ^[[)]] [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] ^[[T]]wo (2) sets, ten (10) eggs and one (1) nest.

[[strikethrough] From [[/strikethrough]] Mr. [[double-underlined]] R. S. Williams, [[/double-underlined]] ^[[(]] Great Falls, Montana, ^[[)]] [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] ^[[T]]wo (2) sets, seven (7) eggs and two (2) nests.

[[strikethrough]] From the [[/strikethrough]] [[double-underlined]] U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey [[/double-underlined]] ^[[(Washington DC):]] two (2) sets, eight (8) eggs and one (1) nest.

[[strikethrough]] From [[/strikethrough]] Mr. [[double-underlined]] F. B. Pattee [[/double-underlined]] ^[[(]] Valley Springs, Calaveras Co.,)]] Cal. ^[[fornia;]] [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] ^[[F]] our (4) sets, twenty three (23) specimens.

[[strikethrough]] From [[/strikethrough]] Mr. [[double-underlined]] P. L. Jouy, [[/double-underlined]] ^[[(]] Washington, D. C. ^[[):]] [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] ^[[T]] hree (3) sets, sixteen (16) specimens and one (1) nest.

[[strikethrough]] From [[/strikethrough]] Dr. [[double-underlined]] Leverett M. Loomis [[/double-underlined]], ^[[(]] Chester, S. ^[[outh Carolina): ex.]] [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] ^[[F]]our (4) sets, twelve (12) specimens.

[[strikethrough]] From [[/strikethrough]] Mr. [[double-underlined]] R. H. Kirby Smith, [[/double-underlined]] ^[[(]] Sewanee, Tenn., ^[[essee):]] [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] ^[[F]] ive (5) specimens.

[[strikethrough]] From [[/strikethrough]] Mr. [[double-underlined]] Fred. Fowler, [[/double-underlined]] ^[[(]] Fort Huachuca, Arizona ^[[);]] [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] ^[[T]]wo (2) specimens.