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[[strikethrough]] From [[/strikethrough]] Mr. [[double-underlined] W. B. Porter, [[/double-underlined]] ^[[(]] Chicago, Illinois, ^[[):]] [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] ^[[S]] ix (6) specimens.

[[strikethrough]] From 1st. [[/strikethrough]] Lieut. [[double-underlined]] Harry C. Benson, [[/double-underlined]] 4th., Cavalry, U. S. A., ^[[(]] Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., ^[[fornia):]] [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] ^[[S]] ix (6) sets, thirteen (13) specimens and three (3) nests.

[[strikethrough]] From [[/strikethrough]] Capt. [[double-underlined]] Chas. E. Bendire, [[/double-underlined]] ^[[(]] Washington, D. C. ^[[):]] [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] ^[[T]] hree (3) specimens.

[[strikethrough]] From [[/strikethrough]] Mr. H. H. Phillips, ^[[(]] Crystal Falls, Mich., ^[[igan): ^One]] [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] (1) specimen.

In addition to these donations thirty seven [[strikethrough]] (37) [[/strikethrough]] specimens representing seven [[strikethrough]] (7) [[/strikethrough]] were purchased during the year.

^[[ [[paragraph symbol]] ]] The [[strikethrough]] character of the [[/strikethrough]] routine work has ^[[consisted in]] [[strikethrough]] been as follows: [[/strikethrough]] [[line pointing to next word]] [[strikethrough]] R [[/strikethrough]] ^[[r]] ecording, marking, measuring and arranging twenty nine hundred and nineteen (2919) specimens, received during the year and placing them in their proper order in the Reserve Collection.  Also revising and rearranging