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Present State of the Collection.

Number of specimens in North American series  37,338
" " " " " "[[ditto for Number of specimens in North American]] duplicates  11,759
On exhibition  1,491
^[[Total]]  50,588

Number of species and subspecies in the N.A.series  781

Number of specimens in Foreign series  4,419
" " " " "[[ditto for Number of specimens in Foreign]] duplicates]] 231
[[Total]] 4,650 

Number of species in foreign series 624

Number of nests in N. A. Reserve series  2,656
On exhibition  235
Total  2,891

Last catalogue entry in June, 1892  25,170
" " " " "[[ditto for Last catalogue entry in June,]] 1893  25,935

Very respectfully
[[signed]] Charles Bendire [[/signed]]
Honorary Curator, Dept of Oology