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9. Give a list of correspondents whose co-operation was resulted in enriching the collections under your care, and state briefly the manner and extent of such co-operation during the year.

The following parties contributed specimens, or information, or both, during the year.

[[5 column table]]

[[name]] | [[city]] | Specimens | Information | Both

Allen, Chas. A. | Nicasio, Cal. |  | / |  
Anthony, A. W. | San Diego, Cal. | / | / | /
Attwater, H. P. | San Antonio, Texas. | / | / | /
Bailey, Vernon | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | / | / | /
Batchelder, C. F. | Cambridge, Mass. |  | / |
Beck, Rollo H. | Berryessa, Cal. | / | / | /
Belding, 1. | Stockton, Cal. | / | / | /
Benson, H. C. | 1st. Lieut. 4th. Cavalry, U. S. N. | / | / | /
Bishop, Dr. Lewis B. | New Haven, Con. | / | / | /
Bowles, C. H. and J. H. | Ponkopog, Mass. | / | / | /
Breninger, G. F. | Saanta Cruz, Cal. | / | / | /
Brewster, Wm. | Cambridge, Mass. | / | / | / 
Bretherton, B. J. | McCoy, Oregon. | / | / | /
Brown, Herbert | Tucson, Arizona. | / | / | /
Burrows, D. B. | Lacon, Ill. | / | / | /
Bryant, Walter E. | Oakland, Cal.  | / |   | /
Cairus, John S. | Weoverville, N. C. | / | / | /
Carpenter, W. L. | Capt. U. S. Army. | / |   |  
Chapman, Frank M. | New York City. |   | / |  
Clark, Judge J. N. | Saybrook, Conn. | / | / | /
Cooke, Dr. C. T. | Minneapolis, Minn. |   | / |  
Dille, F. M. | Denver, Colo. | / | / | /
Fannin, John | Victoria, B. C. |   | / |  
Fisher, Dr. A. K. | U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. | / | / | /
Flint, H. W. | New Haven, Conn. | / | / | /
Fowler, F. Hall | Fort Bowrie, Arizona. | / | / | /