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When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.

2.19.69. | 144 * Association. Baltimore John Core. A. Acty. | Baltimore. Md. Feb 18th 1869. States that the schools at Cumberland, Fallston and Oxford were closed during the month of January.


2.18.69 | 145 * Association. Delaware Saml. Woolman. Acty | Wilmington. Del. Feb 17th 1869. States that he has mailed for the Bureau 27 of the 30 reports for the schools in Delaware. Thinks the other teachers will report direct. States that the Plymuth school opened late in the month. Requests to be furnished with 45 teacher's blanks.


2.18.1869. | 146 * Association. A. M. Rev. E. P. Smith per T. Reeves | New York City. Feb 17th 1869. Returns transportation order sent them by mistake. States that they applied for transportation of [[underlined]] J. Williams [[/underlined]] which they wish forwarded.


2.23.69 | 147 * Allen. Macon B. Teacher | Huntingtown. Colvert Co. Md. Feb. 19th 1869. Encloses his school report which was returned to him for correction. 


2.24.69 | 148 * E.B. #168. Vol. 1. 1869. Aborn. H. T. for Edwin Harmon. | Snow Hill. Worcester Co. M. Feb. 20th 1869. States that a lot (on which to erect a freedmen's school-house) has been paid for and they expect to organize a school soon. A suitable deed will be obtained.


2.24.69. | 149 * Adams. Geo. E. | Baltimore. Md. Feb. 22d 1869. States that the colored people of Centreville desire to know when they are to receive the lumber promised them for school-houses &c.


2.26.69. | 150 * Association Baltimore. John Core. A. Acty. | Baltimore. Md. Feb. 25the 1869. States that he does not want Miss [[underlined]] Thompson [[/underlined]] as she is not competent:  that they are in want of a few more teachers, but they must be better qualified.


For continuation of "A." see "D."

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When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.

1/1 | 1 * Burbaker J. C.. S. A. Comr. | Harper's Ferry West Va. Dec. 30. 1867. Reports in regard to schools at Charlestown. Shepherdstown and Romney. File


1/3 | 2 * Bassett E. D. | Philadelphia Pa. Jany. 2" 1868.  Reports that he will send five young men for teachers and makes inquiry as to terms to be promised them and requests that they be assigned to duty near one another. File


1/4 | 3 * Ball Miss Z. R.. Teacher at Oxen Run. | Washington D. C. Jany. 3" 1868. Reports that the severity of the weather has prevented the opening of her school. File


1/7 | 4 * Bureau R. F. and A. L.. Alvord Rev. J. W. Genl. Supt. Schools. | Washington D.C. Jany. 6" 1868 Forwards package of "Manual" with directions for its distribution. 


1/8 | 5 * Baker Miss L. H.. File | New York Jany. 8" 1868.  Replies to letter of 28 Dec. 1867 and refers to school at Bladensburg. 


1/10 | 6 * Beyer J. L.  File | Lewisburg West Va. Jany. 9/68. Reports in answer to letter of 4th inst. in regard to Miss [[underlined]] Wollverton's [[/underlined]] school building purchased by Messes [[underlined]] Williams and Walker [[/underlined]] the amount of tax laid at Lewisburg and his own anticipated movements promising continuation of his aid. 


1/16 | 7 * Bureau R. F & A. L. Qr. Mr. Dept. T. J. Collins Clk. File | Washington D. C. Jany. 15" 1868. Reports in regard to stores for which Supt. is accountable.