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[[preprinted]] When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.  [[/preprinted]]

5/8-68 | 51 * Cadwallader Miss S. | Bladensburg, Prince George Co. Md.  May 6th, 1868. | States that she has a fine school although much smaller than in the winter:-  that there are so many colored people in the place she is trying to persuade some of them to go where their services will be in better demand:-  that some have already gone, and others are about to go.


5/8-68 | 52 * Comission Pa. Branch A.F.U. - Col. R.R. Corson Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia Pa.  May 7th, 1868. | States that at a meeting of the Board on Monday last, it was decided to close all their schools on the 1st of June.  Requests to be furnished with an account of what will be due from them at that date.  States that they hope to be able to render further aid in the fall.


5/19-68 | 53 * Colburn S.E. | Parkersburg, W. Va.  May 16th, 1868. | States in answer to letter of the 11th inst., that he would be pleased to have General Howard, and Supt. of Education visit him, but knows of nothing special that can be done, unless the School board can be spurred to action in reference to a school-building.


5/23-68 | 55 * Cole Wm. J. | Prince Frederick, Calvert Co. Md.  May 15th, 1868. | Requests to be informed in behalf of himself and other teachers whether they will be furnished with transportation to their homes at the close of the school term.  States that his school has decreased considerably since the approach of the working season:-  that he sent in his report for the Month of April, but has not yet received his salary.


5/26-68 | 51 * Columbia Dist. of  Bvt. Maj. S.a. Clark - A.A.A.G. | Washington, D.C.  May 26th, 1868. | Refers the case of [[underlined]] James Lomas [[/underlined]] to the Supt. of Education.  States that Lomas desires to procure a divorce from his wife Frances:-  that according to her statement

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[[preprinted]] When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.  [[/preprinted]]

 |  | he is living in open adultry, and is in the habit of ill treating his lawful wife:-  that her husband has been trying to induce her to procure a divorce from him:-  that both parties will be at this Office on the 30th inst.


5/28-68 | 56 * Commission Pa. Branch F.U.  Col. R.R. Corson - Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia, Pa.  May 26th, 1868. | Encloses $5.00, the amount due from [[underlined]] Johnson. [[/underlined]]  States that he drew no money for Maryland teachers at their last meeting, as he knew the Society had month in Mr. [[underlined]] Newton's [[/underlined]] hands, but as that may be required by him, he will wait and draw for Maryland for the two months.


5/29-68 | 57* Caldwell, J.F.  E.B.#42 File | Lewisburg, W. Va.  May 15th, 1868. | States that the colored people of that place have selected [[underlined]] J.F. Caldwell, David Coffman, [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Arch Seldonridge [[/underlined]] to act as trustees of schools:  that they have bargained for the purchase of a house and lot suitable for school purposes, from the Masons, and it can be secured as soon as the $250.00 promised by the Bureau is received:  that they will place the school in charge of [[underlined]] W.F. Taylor [/underlined]] (colored) of Balitmore, Md., who desires transportation from Baltimore, to Lewisburg, W. Va., to be furnished by the Bureau.


6/1-68 | 58 * Commission, Pa. Branch F.U.  Col. R.R. Corson - Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia, Pa.  May 30th, 1868. | Acknowledges receipt of two letters of the 29th inst.  Hopes to have the money to pay teachers soon.  States that he wishes something could be done for [[underlined]] Johnson, [[/underlined]] as he and some others feel quite an interest in him, and as the Supt. of Education has visited his school at Sharpsburg he is able to judge of his work.  Hopes the Supt. of Education and Mr. [[underlined]] Newton [[/underlined]] will be able to sell the Societie's House in Washington.


6/5-68 | 59 * Clark, R.B. | Washington.  June 2d 1868. | Applies for situation as teacher.


6/8-68 | 60 * Chase, Miss Julia. | Boston, Mass..  June 4th 1868. | Encloses her school report for May.