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[[preprinted]] When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. [[/preprinted]]

9.15.69 | 22 * Foster, Wm. H. | New Bedford, 240 Middle St. Mass.  Sept. 13th 1869.  Applies for reappointment as teacher.  States that the people where  he taught last term desire his return &c.


9.15.69. | 23 * Fletcher, Henrietta E. | New Bedford, 114 South 7th St. Mass..  Sept. 13th 1869.  Applies for an appointment as teacher.  Would prefer her former school at Bladensburg.


9.24.69. | 24 * Foster, Wm. H. | New Bedford, 240 Middle St. Mass..  Sept. 22d 1869.  Inquires if his application for a reappointment as teacher will be granted?


2.27.69. | 25 * Fleet, James H. | Georgetown, D.C.  Sept. 1869.  Applies for an appointment as teacher.  Encloses testimonials &c.


10.4.69. | 26 * Fletcher, Henrietta E. | New Bedford, 114 South 7th St. Mass..  Oct. 2d 1869.  States in reply that she will not be able to start for Emmittsburg to teach before the middle or last of this month.  Inquires if the place can be retained for her.


10.8.69. | 27. * Fleet, James H.  Teacher. | Rockville, Montgomery co. Md.  Oct. 7th 1869.  States that the people have held a meeting to settle the difficulty in regard to his boarding place:  that a deligation will call on the Supt. of Education on the 9th inst. &c. &c.


10.12.69. | 28 * Fletcher, John E. | Chester Hill, Morgan Co. O..  Oct. 7th 1869.  States in reply to letter of 27th ult., that he cannot accept the appointment as it came too late:  that he has taken a school near home, &c.  Recommends

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[[preprinted]] When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. [[/preprinted]]

 | | [[underlined]] Thompson Jones, [[/underlined]] of that place as a teacher, and states that he would be glad to accept a lace on the same terms offered him.


10.13.69. | 29 * Fletcher, Henrietta | 114 South 7th St. New Bedford, Mass..  Oct. 11th 1869.  States that she will be ready to go to Emmittsburg, Md., and open school by the middle or latter part of this month &c.


10.15.69. | 30 * Foster, Wm. H.  Teacher. | Great Mills, St. Mary's Co. Md.  Oct. 6th 1869.  States that he has returned and opened school.  Inquires how he shall order books, &c.


11.2.69. | 31 * Fleet, J.H.  Teacher. | Rockville, Montgomery Co. Md.  Nov. 1st 1869.  Requests to be furnished with Stationery &c.  Encloses receipt for $20, his salary for Oct.


11.6.69. | 33 * Fletcher, Henrietta E.  Teacher. | Emmittsburg, Frederick Co. Md.  Nov. 3d 1869.  States that she has arrived here and will open school on the 6th inst.  Requests to be furnished with school register and blanks.  Inquires how books are obtained &c.


11.16.69. | 34. * Fleet, James H.  Teacher. | Rockville, Montgomery Co. Md.  Nov. 15th 1869.  States that there is a division among the people in regard to the school, and he can gather only twenty pupils &c. &c.


11.25.69. | 35 * Fleet, James H.  Teacher. | [[strikethrough]] Poolsville [[/strikethrough]] Rockville, Montgomery Co. Md.  Nov. 20th 1869.  States that it was the fault of the trustees his school did not begin sooner, and thinks no part of his