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                             OF LETTER

#6 *    |Miss A. C.     |January 12,1870 
        |Peckham,Actuary|Forwards school  ________________________|reports of
their Association for month of December,
with the exception of three which will be sent as soon as received.

1,19,70|Alexander. R.L.|Philadelphia,Pa.
#7     |Teacher        |January 18,1870
*      |               |Desires to know 
_______________________|whether Mr. Corson is to pay the last mo's. salary, report having been sent on. Wishes immediate information as arrangements are to be made to take another school.

1,20,70|Association |Baltimore Md. 
#8     |Baltimore   |January 17,1870
*      |John Core,  |Forwards letters of 
       |Act. Acty.  |W. H. Foster,asking ____________________|that enclosed list of books be sent immediately,Desires the foregoing order if filled to be endorsed and returned to Messrs Cushings & Baley, Baltimore St. Balt. Md.

1,21,70|Alexander R.L.|Philadelphia,Penn
#9     |Teacher       |January 21,'70
*      |              |Wishes to know ______________________|whether Mr. Corson is to be responsible for salary of Dec. Report has been sent in. Desires it to be attended to immediately as she wishes to make arrangements for another school.

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                         |OF LETTER

1,25,70|Allen Jane S.|Woodville,
#10    |Teacher      |Fredrick Co. Md.
*      |             |January 24,1870.
_____________________|Acknowledges the receipt of $6.50 balance for mo. of December, and desires that you enclose receipt of the books, when her check for January is sent.

1,25,70|Association |Baltimore, Md.
#11    |Baltimore   |January 22,'70
*      |John Core   |States the 
       |Act. Acty.  |forwarding of ____________________|rental a/c of school buildings for quarter ending Dec. 31st Desires the signature of Supt., if correct, and check forwarded for settlement.

1,26,70|Association |Philadelphia, Penn.
#12    |Pa F. R.    |January 23, 1870
*      |R. R. Corsen|Desires a copy of 
       |Secy.       |Genl. Alvord's last
____________________|report,or any other information about the Freedmen's Saving Funds, and a list of the Supts of Education.

1,27,70|Association |Philadelphia, Penn.
#13    |Pa F. R.    |January 26, 1870.
*      |R.R. Corsen,|States enclosure of 
       |Secy.       |letter from Joseph ____________________|G. Douglas, and direction to call upon you relative to his money. Desires Supt to put him right.

1,28,70|Association |Baltimore, Md.
#14    |Balt.       |January 27, 1870
*      |John Core   |States that the 
       |A. A.       |discrepancy between ____________________|the reports, and rental a/c has been the result of a mistake made at this office. Seemes to rectify the matter by giving a rule for determining the average.