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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

5.14.70 #115 * | Butler John H.  Agent. | Cecilton, Cecil Co., Md.  May 9th 1870.  States that a school is taught at this place by Mr. [[underlined]] Jones [[/underlined]] (colored):  that he has a good school but receives no support from any society &c.

5.19.70 #116 * | Bracy, James T.  Teacher | Port Tobacco, Charles Co., Md.  May 19th 1870.  States that the people regret that their school is to close on the 31st inst. &c.

5.24.70 #117 * | Bond, Matilda.  Teacher. | Brookville, Montgomery Co., Md.  May 20th 1870.  States in reply, that the people regret the closing of their school this month &c.

5.25.70 #118 * | Brackett, Rev. N.C. | Harper's Ferry, W. Va.  May 24th 1870.  Returns papers referred to him on the 21st inst. with reports as per request.  Applies for teacher's blanks.

5.26.70 #119 * | Butler John H.  Agent. | Oakville, St. Marys Co., Md.  May 24th 1870.  States that the people here are busy planting, and have done but little as yet toward rebuilding their school-house:  that he called a meeting, and thinks they will go on with the work.

5.26.70 #120 * | Butler John H.  Agent. | Mt. Zion, Anne Arundel Co., Md.  May 16th 1870.  Reports the five schools in this part of the county in a favorable condition, &c.

5.27.70 #121 * | Brooks, J.H.  Teacher. | Ridge, St. Marys Co., Md.  May 25th 1870.  Desires to be reappointed as teacher at the close of his present term.  Prefers to be located in Prince George County.

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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

6.1.70 #122 * | Bracy, James T.  Teacher. | Port Tobacco, Charles Co., Md.  May 31st 1870.  States that he has closed his school according to instructions.  Requests to have check for May sent him at Port Tobacco.

6.4.70 #123 * | Butler, Richard  E.B.#279 Vol.1.1870 | Chaptico, St. Marys Co., Md.  May 30th 1870.  States that the lumber furnished the colored people of Chaptico District has been ordered by Maj. [[underlined]] VanDerlip, [[/underlined]] to be delivered to trustees of Oakville District.

6.3.70 #124 * | Bureau R.F. and A.L.  Rev. J.W. Alvord  Genl. Supt. Education | Washington, D.C.  June 3d 1870.  Directs the Supt. to furnish a complete list of all schools for freedmen, in his District, called or intended to be, High or Normal schools, Universities or Colleges:  said list to contain in each case, 1st the name and location:  2d by whom supported:  3d No. of buildings, material of which constructed and dimension  4th No. of pupils and teachers.  5th value of buildings and lands.

6.8.70 #125 * | Bureau R.F. and A.L.  Rev. J.W. Alvord  Genl. Supt. Education | Washington, D.C.  June 7th 1870.  Directs the Supt. to furnish at the earliest practicable moment after July 1st, the last month's statistics of the year, with full narrative report, giving a brief review of the whole school work in his Dist. from the first, i.e. for the five years commencing March 3d/65, (at least that part during his term of service.