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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

1.6.70. | 6. * Cummings, Miss C. E. Teacher. | St. Clement's Bay, St. Marys Co. Md. States in reply, that most of the children are bound out for the season, which ended on the 1st inst. Expects a full school this month.

1.7.70 | 7. * Commission. Pa. Branch F. U. Col. R. R. Corson. Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia. Pa.. Jany. 6th 1870.  States that [[underlined]] Emily C. Johnson [[/underlined]] wants to take the school at Spencerville. Md. Inquires if he shall send her. 

1.10..70 | 8 * Commission. Pa. Branch F. U. Col. R. R. Corson Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia. Pa Jany. 8th 1870.  States that Miss [[underlined]] R. L. Alexander [[/underlined]] requests him to pay her salary for December, and he will do so when he learns the amount due her. Encloses letter from [[underlined]] Pauline Lyons, [[/underlined]] teacher at Bel Air, stating that she is obliged to teach at her boarding house, as the school house is out of repair &c. &c. 

[[line]]1.12.70 | 9. * Commission. Pa. Branch F. U. Col. R. R. Corson Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia. Pa. Jany 11th 1870.  Forwards check for six hundred and forty 70/100 dollars ($640.70). Requests to be furnished with blanks for rental accounts.

1.13.70. #10 * | Cook _ G. F. T. Supt &c. | Washington, D. C. Jany 12, 1870. Reports the no. of Col'd schools that are public in Washington and Georgetown for Dec. 65: No. teachers 66: No of pupils 3329. Average attendance 87%.

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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

1.14.70 #11 * | Commission, Pa. Branch F. U. Col. R. R. Corson. Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia. Pa. January 13, 1870.  States that Miss Johnson fears she will not be able to reach Traceys Landing, and wants to take the school at Spencersville, &c.

1.18.70 #12 * | Clarke E. F. | Pantugent, Anne Arundel Co. Md.  States the receipt of Supt's. letter dated 6th inst.: knowledge of risk in getting books. Desires the enclosed list of books to be sent. Gives the address to which you will send them. 

1.18.70 #13 * | Commission Pa. Branch F. U. Col. R. R. Corson. Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia, Penn. Jany. 15, 1870.  Requests that Supt. write to Jos. S. Jenkins relative to school at Milestown, St. Mary's Co., and direct him that her: His letter was sent Supt. but address was not found. Will send Miss John Johnson to Marlboro, as soon as she calls.

1.21.70 #14 * | Cummings C. E. Teacher. | St. Clement's Bay St. Mary's Co. Md. January 19, 1870.  Desires to be forwarded by stage the enclosed list of books, as the cannot be procured by Balt. route, since the stoppage of boats.

1.21.70 #15 * | Commission. N. Y. Brch F. U. [[?]]. S. Lowell | North Shore N. Y. January 19th 1870.  Forwards Rental ? of N. Y. Branch. A. T. U. S. C. for quarter ending Dec 31 '69. Writes in regard to transfer of Miss Douglass and the appointment of six additional teachers, and several other important matters requiring the Superintendent's attention. 
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