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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

1,20,'70. #16 * | Commission Pa Branch F. U. Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia, Penn. January 20, 1870 States he thinks that the young man, Jenkins who leaves here the 21st will make a first rate teacher.

1,22'70 #17 * | Cushings and Bailey Stationers | Baltimore, Md.
January 21, 1870.
Wishes to know whether orders from teachers in Maryland are to be filled without special order from Supt.  Have orders from Miss Mary E Cornish, West River, Emma J Whittington; and who would be instructed how to act in relation to them.

1,22,'70 #18 * | Cushings and Baley Stationers | Baltimore, Md.
January 20th, 1870.
States the return to them by J. B. Swann, books amounting to $54.25 and in cash $7.81, leaving a balance due to his acct., for Dec of $55.06, which amt. he states will be paid by Supt.

1,22,'70 #19 * | Cushings and Bailey, Stationers | Baltimore Md. 
January 17, 1870.
Encloses receipt for bill to the amt. of $22.65 in favor of Emma J. Whittington. Desires information as to bill of J. B. Swaim, as he has not been heard from, nor has he returned any books. 

2,14,'70 #20 * | Cummings C. E. Teacher. | St. Clements, Md.
February 10th 1870
Encloses list of books purchases of Messre. Cushings and Bailey, showing price of second readers - 32¢. Wishes bill returned.

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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

1,29,'70 #21 * | Commission N. Y. Brch. F. U. J. S. Lowell, Secretary. | North Shore New York.
January 27, 1870.
Encloses a letter from Upper Marlbh P. G. Co., requesting the retention of Miss Martha Douglass. I think it would be well. Wishes to know if she asked about the sending of blanks and registers, and if so, it was unnecessary, as Mr. Core supplied them. Wishes to know how many schools may be visited form Washington. Will appoint Henry Brown to New Port, on the recommendation of Supt. 
Will pay the salary of Mrs. Clarks assistant, and wishes her engaged from Feb. 1st.

1,21,'70 #22 * | Commission N. Y. Brch. F. U. 
J. S. Sowell, Secretary | North Shore, N. Y.
January 29, 1870.
States the dissatisfaction of Miss Narcissa George with Forestville, and regrets it; and in consequence of her ability, hopes you (Supt.) may provide for her elsewhere. Expects to have soon as to the assistant for Anapolis. Wishes to know if you furnish schools with black boards, and desks. 

1,29,'70 #23 * | Commission Pa. Branch F. U. Robt. R. Corson, Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia Penn
January 28, '70.
States that he will await Mr. Crosby's return to settle with Mr. Douglass: Also that Mr. Richards, Supt. of Police, accuses Douglass and one Henry Lindsey, who represented himself as a teacher, of stealing a watch. Says he will send for Miss Glocester, relative to going to Elkton, as an assistant to Miss Whittington. Miss Johnson, has declined the offer of a school. Jenkins has reported from Milestown.

2,4,'70 #24 * | Crowell A. [No.1} | Baltimore, Md.
February 4th, 1870. Desires employment as teacher, and has taught in Virginia.