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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]]

2 2,'70 #5 * | Foster Wm H.  Teacher. | Great Mills St Marys Co. Md.  January 29, 1870.  States that he has ordered books twice this month from Mr. Core, and will now give you the full order, as enclosed.  Wishes it attended to immediately, and that you send to the care of Philip Wise, Milestown Landing by way of steamer Mary Washington, Balt.

2,3,'70 #6 * | Ferguson Mary E.  Teacher | Magnolia Springs, Prince Georges Co. Md.  January 31st 1870.  States her gratification as to her appointment to the school at Robeytown.  Speakes of the condition of the people, their poverty, and the school, and would be glad if something could be done for them.  Encloses report.

2,8,'70 #7 * | Fletcher H.E.  Teacher. | Emittsburg, Fdk. Co. Md.  February 5th 1870.  States the progress of school, and an attempt to open a high school, and the failure.  Through Mr. Joseph Hayes, the directors paid to the trustees portion of the money which accrued from taxes of the col'd school, and will pay monthly while the school continues.  Encloses receipt.

2,16,'70 #8 * | Foster W.H. | Great Mills, St. Mary's Co. Md.  [[?(Pretmook)]] Feb. 14, 70.  States that nothing was said about an increase of his salary in your last letter, though you promised to increase it to $25.00 the second year.  Wishes to know of this matter.

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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]]

3,9,'70 #9 * | Fletcher, Henrietta E.  Teacher. | Emmittsburg, Md.  March 5th 1870.  States that her school is progressing finely:  that she has been compelled to expel two boys, whose parents whose parents think she had no authority to do.  Requests to be furnished with rules for school government.

3,19,'70 #10 * | Ferguson Mary E.  Teacher | Robeystown, Prince Georges Co. Md.  March 16th 1870.  Inquires who owns the school-house in which she is teaching.  States that an effort is being made by some of the people to employ a colored man as teacher in her place:  that the people fail to pay her board, and that [[underlined]] Mr. Roby [[/underlined]] threatens to lock the house, if the board and incidental expenses are not paid, &c.

3,16,'70 #11 * | Ferguson Mary E.  Teacher | Robeystown, Prince Georges Co. Md.  March 14th 1870.  States a party of white men lately visited the vicinity of her school and begun to throw stones at the house:  that she intimidated and caused them to withdraw by presenting a revolver.  Inquires if the Bureau is not able to protect her from insult, &c. &c. &c.

4,2,'70 #12 * | Fry Daniel W.  Teacher | Cross Roads, St. Mary's Co. Md.  March 31st 1870.  Tenders his resignation as teacher to take effect April 30th.  Complains that the people do not properly provide for his wants, &c.