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Snowhill Worcester C. Maryland
Oct. 15th, 1868

Rev. John Kimball

Dear sir,

I am here at this place and found things in a very bad condition two teachers here and no school worth speaking of Mr. H.J. Aborn w white gentleman who was sent here by the Balt. Association he went to the Hotel to board and as soon as they found that he came to teach the colored people he was notified to leave or all the boarders would leave the Hotel he had to do so and would have come back but after I arrived and had an interview with him and told what I expected to do he consented to wait and see what I could do for the school we secured a room for him furnishing it and had a large meeting last night and I talked to the people about an hour and a half and got them to concentrate upon a plan that is to make the school free and board the teacher themselves at his room we raised $.42.50 to defray the teacher's expenses