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Port Republic
Calvert County
Nov. 1st/68

Mr Kimball

Dear Sir  I write you these few lines to inform you that my school is now open and has been for nearly a month  i opened with six schollars and now have 21 and my prospects is good for about 70 or 80  So about 1st of December the schollars are not advanced verry far  i have not a class as yet in arithmetics  the highest of them is reading in Wilson's second reader and spelling in four syllables  they can spell verry well but they are verry deficient in the pronunciation of the words  I would like for you to send me a Register as i have none and a box of Chalk  that is all i need at present as yet  if anything more i will let you know. I taken your advice about Controling the school here and it is as just as you said to let them know that you [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] is capable of Teaching them else you are of no use  i would like to know if the teacher is furnished with desk Books or not  i directed this letter to Baltimore to the office in there for i do not know your directions and i thought that it would be a secure plan  the Plum Point teacher has gone home so i leave and you will also remember about my fare down here which was $2.00  i have no more to say at present  i remain yours  [[signature]] John H Butler [[/signature]]

Direct to  Port Republic Care of Jno Brooks
Calvert Co. Md