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Darnstown Mongomery Co, Md,
December 18th 1868

Rev John Kimball

The school House at this place is not up yet and the people of this place have been badly disappointed by the workmen  The parties who first Contracted to build the House was to have been finished at too weeks before Chrismas and that man disappointed them  Now they have bargined with others who have commenced the House and they say that they will finish it in six or seven weeks if the weather is not too Cold  They are to get enough for building to finish it in four weeks one hundred and seventy five dollars to do the carpenters work  The trustees are willing to pay any price to get the House up and seem ready to do all they can to get the work done  I am urging them on to give the workmen no rest now till they get their House up they promise to do all they can to finish as soon as posible.

Verry Respectfully your servant
[[signature]] John H. Butler [[/signature]]