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the truth as to said alleged error, and the petitioner by his attorney, consenting to waive further investigation as to the alleged error, and consenting that the amount to be set apart for the use of the colored children of said district for the year 1866 be ascertained upon the basis of the enumeration presented showing the number to be twenty three, in lieu of thirty eight as reported by the master commissioner, it appearing to the Court that twenty three is the correct number for 1866, It is ordered, so far as it fixes the amount to be set apart for the colored children for the year 1866, be set aside, and that in lieu thereof that said Board set apart for said colored children for said dis't No 1, for the year 1866 the sum of forty four 39/100 dollars, with interest thereon from the 1st day of April 1867, and in other respects [[strikethrough]] sol [[/strikethrough]] said former order is confirmed.
And it appearing to the Court from said report, that said Board has not complied with a former order, by establishing a school for the benefit of said colored children, It is ordered, that they proceed immediately to do so, and that they report compliance with this order, and the law in the premises, to the next term of this Court.

W A Shapline

(a copy.)