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and see if I cannot be provided with salary through the Bureau. I am very well pleased with the place and people here — that is, the coloured people, for I have nothing at all to do with the white people — and would like to remain here. 

I am indeed sorry, Mr. Coates, that I am obliged to annoy you so often, but as this is a matter of such vitality with me, I could not refrain from troubling you about it. Let me ask you sir, to satisfy me upon this point as soon as may be and you shall have my thanks, and the promise to do good not to myself only, but to all who are submitted to my charge. 

I must at all events remain in the field upon some terms or other. Please let me hear from you as soon as convenience will allow. I have the honor to be your obedient servant, 

[[signature]] Ezra A Johnson [[/signature]]