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are to be obtained", but the rules do not refer to them. do you mean to say that they are to be ordered the same as books and deducted from my salary?

I have given up all transportation, though at first objected to by Stage driver and Clerk on Steamer. I told them it was either that or nothing, and as in both cases the trips were partly taken, they finally accepted. The Stage driver said he knew nothing about them and he should have been informed by Government if they wished him to take them; That he always made his own bargains, and did not want any such stuff forced upon him. The Clerk said he did not recognize them, That he must have money, which as I would not give him, he finally sent the Waiter for my transportation.

All the money I paid was 45ยข from [[underlined]] Troy [[/underlined]], the terminus of stage rout. to [[underlined]] Canton, [[/underlined]], where transportation by rail was made out from.

This I believe answers your inquiries, I remain Sir with
your obedient Svt.
[[signature]] Carrie E. Cummings [[/signature]]