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a little present to each child in each school, with one school over if Smith has rehomed. Sallie Howell has but 12 in her school. We think of sending her to Liberty Va. (as she expects to come away from Maryland soon) where she have from 90 to 120, when we will send another teacher to help her. Our schools in the south are very full, and if we can only get the money [[underlined]] due [[/underlined]] us from the Bureau, when I send you my a/c, we can expand of our teachers to [[underlined]] double [[/underlined]] the number ever sent out before, by this association. Thats what we intend to do — tis what we have taken on our hands to do, and if the Bureau pays up we can do it, but if they do not, then we must recall many of our good teachers. I believe it will all be right at Hd Qrs. and we will then soon show you a list of 125 to 150 teachers in place of 60 last year.

Yours very truly
[[signature]] Robt. R. Corson [[/signature]]

P.S. With Smiths place open we still want 9 teachers to make up our 25. Cant you get any?