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Baltimore Jany 8" 1869

Rev. John Kimball
Supt of Education
Freedmen's Bureau
Washington D.C.

Dear Sir
Your favors of 5" & 7" inst are at hand. In reply to that of 5" inst we herein enclose separate bills for each shipment with name & location of Teacher  The order for Miss C. E. Cummings of Dec 22nd is ready for shipment and has been since 22nd ultimo but no boat is running. In answer to favor of 7" would say that we have order in writing from Miss C. E. Cummings for 3 doz Wilsons 3rd Reader. If you wish to return them free of expense to us we will credit your acct with them. The Primary arithmatics referred to by Miss C. E. Cummings were ordered Dec 22nd/68 and are in parcel refferred to above waiting some conveyance.

Yours Respy
Cushings & Bailey

We return Miss Cummings letter enclosed herein.