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inform so I may obtain a copy and forward it to  you at the shortest possible notice

Mr Butler was here and remained with me two days. - he examined the school and I hope was pleased at its progress. I have a debating society which convenes on every Wednesday Evening at 7 O'clock the school house is filled to overflowing

A debating Society is very instructive and every one says that they learn something every evening their is a session. The other evenings are employed in teaching them the benefits of an Education.

I have a very pleasant night school and a large one.

I have a pretty fair Sunday school, all seeming

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anxious to learn something even if it is in conflict with their religious views and opinions, they find if they allow religious pr[[?]] to cause them stay from acquiring an education they will come out of the small end of the horn Politically, Morrally and Religiously.

Physically I am extremely well and I hope you and Mrs Kimbell are not indisposed

Hoping to hear from you soon beleive me to be

Yours for Education
[[signature]] John Cajoy [[/signature]]