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on the body of the animal - running back from the mouth. and I could have shouted with joy to see the biggest problem I had felt was ahead of him, solved at the very outset, - to so break the mass of those huge beasts that the panel would conform to the delicately handled deer-panel - But he had weak-looking animals - the head being equal to the hump - It required only a suggestion on my part to remedy it, though I am not satisfied even yet + think to go so far as to take a copy of the drawing of a similar beast by a cave man for him to see.  This will do no harm since he knows what he is doing.  And all the boys have [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] the [[insertion]] needed self [[/insertion]] confidence that daily appreciation can bring.  There is much to commend at every turn and I am no niggard.

The glorious rainbow is complete and strange as it may seem I really feel that now the room is hallowed + blest the two brothers, Edward and Alexander were painting -A-. the head [[insertion]] of the rainbow[[/insertion]] and E. the feet, on each side the door, at the same time- "what would be appropriate to place over the door, where there is no rainbow Edward"- "The Navajo's do not put anything there but it would be all right to, and I think that long feet there [[?]] of Hokeah's would be best - And I can paint it."  This cooperation is not so surprising when I remember the medicine chart at Mara, where for five days- Sand paintings were made on the floor of a hogan by a dozen men who took turns quite casually, as the spirit moved no dougt.  It reminds me of a saying of Howard Pyle's "It doesn't matter who does a fine thing so long as it is done- whether by you or by me or by another one"- Yet when the question came up today as to whether the painting should be signed, many were in favor of it rather than have a placard setting forth the names of all with some word about the pictures.  Julian favored the placard, and asked them to think it over-

Riley was full of reports of the visit to [[Taos]] of himself, Hokeah + another dancer, they were invited to dance at the Pueblo + the Taos Indians danced and they had a grand pow-wow- all war dances.  And he says the Taos Indians have all heard of the decorations + are